Quitting sax

My neck is in a bad state and even with the sax holder I feel compression on my neck and shoulders from playing. I'm going to stop playing sax and see if I can get help from my doctor about this. If I ever feel totally better I'll try again.
I am too sorry to hear this. Even after you’re all healed up, you may want to consider returning with a baritone sax and a peg. That way there won’t be any sax strap or harness involved.
My neck is in a bad state and even with the sax holder I feel compression on my neck and shoulders from playing. I'm going to stop playing sax and see if I can get help from my doctor about this. If I ever feel totally better I'll try again.
Sorry to hear this, and I hope you have a good resolution to this problem soon.
I agree with the others that said about an MRI, its really is crucial in the proper diagnosis of your problem.
Hopefully when its better you can consider a return to sax maybe with a curved soprano, until your fit enough to possible go for the bigger horns.
Best of luck.
Doctors (GPs) in the UK prefer other therapies to MRI/surgery as it saves their budget.
But once you tell them you have PMI a whole world of solutions suddenly emerges.
No really, that IS fact. Happened twice to me (back; frozen shoulder), once to my wife.
As others have said, get medical assessments done first to rule out any physical problems. Depending on the results, it may also be worth looking into whether technique lessons to deal with postural and repetitive strain issues.

Unable to sleep due to neck/shoulder pain and pins and needles I went through x-ray and MRI assessments. My doctor eventually told me I'd "deteriorated" and it was unusual for someone my age (34 at the time). Nothing could be done though. I asked whether it was to do with working with computers and playing saxes - "no, good have to do that for 20 years to see a problem". I pointed out that I'd been working with computers for 20 years and playing sax for 25... No answer!

Eventually, and on the verge of giving up playing (I'd already stopped playing tenor, the worst for me) I found a couple of good Alexander teachers, and I've been pretty much fine for another 20 years if I take care of myself and pay attention to posture while playing.
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Doctors (GPs) in the UK prefer other therapies to MRI/surgery as it saves their budget.
But once you tell them you have PMI a whole world of solutions suddenly emerges.
No really, that IS fact. Happened twice to me (back; frozen shoulder), once to my wife.
I agree with what you are saying, it is still possible to get the MRI's on the NHS but its more of a wait.
PMI for some can be the answer, but once you get to a certain age with complex medical conditions then it's way too expensive to even consider, the OP shouldn't have this problem due to the USA dealing mainly with PMI.
I agree with what you are saying, it is still possible to get the MRI's on the NHS but its more of a wait.
PMI for some can be the answer, but once you get to a certain age with complex medical conditions then it's way too expensive to even consider, the OP shouldn't have this problem due to the USA dealing mainly with PMI.
Yes, in US if under the age of 65, one must have medical insurance (national law requirement).

If a pauper or significantly disabled, most states supply them with Medicade state insurance. Once one is elderly, must enroll in the nation's Medicare, but it does not cover everything. There are non-covered expenses like medications requiring one to have a secondary PMI.

There is IMO "Obama Care", which one must opt for if without an insurance plan, but it is basically a subscription lower cost plan provided by various private insurance companies; sort of a mandatory-for-pay "Medicare" for the non-elderly. However IMO you get what you pay for, seems limiting (not worth the bother.)

We even have to report on our national income tax returns that we have medical insurance and with whom.
A couple of people have mentioned exercise helping joint issues and while you definitely should consult a professional if possible, I'm a believer in the wonders of a little strength training. It fixed some bad lower back issues I had 20 years ago.
An inversion table may help.
Meanwhile there's soprano, sopranino or soprillo.
Cheaper there's recorder of various sizes to keep your fingers up to speed.
I went to urgent care and they diagnosed dorsalgia and myalgia. I was prescribed ibuprofen and a muscle relaxant pill. I've been using a heating pad too.

All of this helped ease the pain, but I hear/feel a crunching sound when I move my neck, so I'm going to try to go to an orthopedist and maybe get an MRI (or x-ray?).
I went to an orthopedist and got x-rays. I'm still waiting for the results but the doctor thinks most likely it is joint inflammation which can be helped by physical therapy, which was prescribed. So I won't be quitting sax, most likely, but for the time being I can't play.
Glad to see you got it checked out. I had a good physical therapist doctor, he knew the limits and got me moving again. They work closely with your doctor. Even had a tank for water therapy (strengthening muscles under water resistance). If it can be fixed without surgery, the more the better.
Get the MRI in addition to your Xray.
I buried two friends, who took some of the meds, for back inflammation problems, similar to Celebrex, that blew up their hearts. One was 73 and the other 49.
Best to treat the cause of the inflammation, once known, with meds that have been around for decades.
Indomethacin, is one of the safer ones.
Blood work, to check liver/kidney function, is essential with many meds, as is being aware of stomach irritation.
Hope you have good Doctors, as not all are top tier.
80% of our family are in the medical sciences, the rest are lawyers and teachers.
Hope they did a complete lab workup.
The x-ray results are not in yet but I'm 100% better today, so no meds or physical therapy needed unless the problems come back. I just tried playing for a few minutes with the Vandoren Universal Harness. This seems to be the way to go for me. I'm going to rest for a few more days before I start playing again. No need to give up playing the alto, it seems. Yay!
but I'm 100% better today
Did they take blood?
I want for a check up once and they took blood. I'm sure it restored the ballance of black and yellow bile and I felt great afterwards. Modern medical has advanced little.

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