Squeeking when playing tenor

Exercises away from the horn can really help build the facial muscles. Everything works so much better now---tone, dynamics, articulation, intonation, vibrato (less dependence on jaw pressure means the jaw is freer to move and adjust pitch). A pleasant side-effect is that when I hacve a few days where I can't find time to practise (which happens all too often lately), I can keep up the exercises and don't fell like I'm starting from scratch when I come back.
I am curious what exercises you do to achieve that? I think I could use that as well....
Biting, tight embouchure ....... we have talked a lot about this over the years. I like to play Rock & Roll sax and I have rather tight embouchure . I have to really grip the mouthpiece when I'm honking high tones. On the other side when I "scoop up" I start with a looser embouchure (less pressure on my lips (not jaw). And when I do "fall offs" I loose my lips and not dropping my jaw. The mouthpiece position is not the same as well.

I have been talking to Rock Sax players about his. How relaxed is a player when he/she is really pushing a high tone? The last days I have really listened and watched Jr Walker videos. Relaxed when he pressed up to altissimo? I don't know. Anybody that can explain?
I am curious what exercises you do to achieve that? I think I could use that as well....
The main thing for me was that I realised I wasn't using my top lip. There are some exercises in Teal's book, if you have it (p 41 in my copy). And for the sides of the mouth, there's this:

Earspasm emboucure exercise video

But since I got the feel for it, I now mostly just practice forming an emouchure, but without the mouthpiece and squeezing much harder than I would when playing, and holding that until it starts to feel uncomfortable (a few seconds). Best to do these when you're on your own, though, or people may think you're have some sort of mental breakdown!
Think like a goldfish… Make your lips do “OOOOOOOOO…” then “EEEEEEEE….” (you don’t need to say anything). Couple minutes of this and my face is tired. Like pushups for your lips. It does help.

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