I have played Alto Saxophone since school (quite a few years (decades) ago!). I recently bought a tenor saxophone to get more dep opportunities and it's worked. I'm struggling with squeeking with the 'jazzier' mouthpiece. Both my saxes are Conn Selmers - PAS380V unlacquered. I'm classically trained at school, but have (amateur) played in big bands for past 20 years, with a start to improvise over last 12 months.
Alto sax mouthpiece set-up: Meyer tip opening 7M, reed 2.5M Roberto, rovener light ligature, for big band, improv (also have selmer c* for classical/more melodic playing)
Happy with sound and volume. Love the reeds which are the most reliable I've played with consistently good sound.
Lower lip slightly over bottom teeth, but not too tight
Tenor sax mouthpiece set-up:
works but not happy with 'thin' sound: rousseau classic NC4, reed 2.5M Roberto, rovener light ligature - no squeaking, but weaker sound.
better sound but can't eliminate squeaking: Gottsu sepia tone tip opening 7, reed 2.5M roberto, rovener light ligature
Really trying to loosen lower lip but not sure if I should be removing lower lip completely from teeth?
The Gottsu mouthpiece is the one that I was recommended in the shop for big band playing- lovely, local shop where I trust his advice. I bought the Gottsu mouthpiece when I bought the sax, and struggled with it initially, hence me getting the rousseau.
I've been back in to the shop where I bought the Gottsu and he said probably old/uneven reed and reminded me I should remove the reed and gave me a case to store and dry it out after use. He checked over my sax too. The squeeking has gone down in terms of frequency- so it was definitely partly a dodgy reed (very red faced about that!) but I'm still squeeking, and it's not just over the same high or low notes, it seems to be all over the range, less in the very lowest e to bflat, but occasionally then too.
Looking for advice on embouchure with the Gottsu, and anything else I can do. Or do I sort the reed issue with the Rousseau and accept that I can't get that brasher jazz/big band sound on my tenor (that I do with my alto)?
Thank you
Alto sax mouthpiece set-up: Meyer tip opening 7M, reed 2.5M Roberto, rovener light ligature, for big band, improv (also have selmer c* for classical/more melodic playing)
Happy with sound and volume. Love the reeds which are the most reliable I've played with consistently good sound.
Lower lip slightly over bottom teeth, but not too tight
Tenor sax mouthpiece set-up:
works but not happy with 'thin' sound: rousseau classic NC4, reed 2.5M Roberto, rovener light ligature - no squeaking, but weaker sound.
better sound but can't eliminate squeaking: Gottsu sepia tone tip opening 7, reed 2.5M roberto, rovener light ligature
Really trying to loosen lower lip but not sure if I should be removing lower lip completely from teeth?
The Gottsu mouthpiece is the one that I was recommended in the shop for big band playing- lovely, local shop where I trust his advice. I bought the Gottsu mouthpiece when I bought the sax, and struggled with it initially, hence me getting the rousseau.
I've been back in to the shop where I bought the Gottsu and he said probably old/uneven reed and reminded me I should remove the reed and gave me a case to store and dry it out after use. He checked over my sax too. The squeeking has gone down in terms of frequency- so it was definitely partly a dodgy reed (very red faced about that!) but I'm still squeeking, and it's not just over the same high or low notes, it seems to be all over the range, less in the very lowest e to bflat, but occasionally then too.
Looking for advice on embouchure with the Gottsu, and anything else I can do. Or do I sort the reed issue with the Rousseau and accept that I can't get that brasher jazz/big band sound on my tenor (that I do with my alto)?
Thank you