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Evening all, and a happy New Year from deepest Surrey


New Member
West Clandon, Surrey
Hello, one and all.

I've been lurking for a while but have decided to break cover and be brave enough to post. I'm a born-again sax player of 44, who turned to the tenor after my kids showed that we do have some musical ability in the family.

Two years ago I started lessons, and have enjoyed every minute of it apart from the exams! Having got this far, I reckon I'll be doing this for life and have just spent a happy day trying out saxes at, coming away with a nice new Yamaha that should keep me busy for some time to come.

Looking forward to participating further!
OG - better than the tightening right hander onto the A3 at Guildford;}? And no, Milord Onslow didn't remember me in his will, so Meldrew Towers remains a more humble affair than Clandon Park.

allansto - I was playing a Yamaha 275, but after exhaustively faffing about with lots of different instruments, settled on a 82 Custom Z with a Link metal 'piece. It sounds great, and had a flexibility I couldn't quite match with anything else...I went desperately wanting a Selmer or a Yani, but I guess I have Yamaha-shaped hands, mouth, and windpipe, 'cos it worked best for me.

Thanks all, and a frohe Neujahr for Kevgermany.
Kväll alla, och ett Gott Nytt År från djupaste Sangis, Sverige. En vacker liten lugn by utanför radarn i Norrbotten (ja, tyst när jag inte spelar en av mina saxofoner) Välkommen till kaféet.
Well that's my Swedish, not so good yet & to help y'all here's the English version ;
Evening all, and a happy New Year from deepest Sangis, Sweden. A beautiful little quiet village off the radar(grid) in Norrbotten(well, quiet when I'm not playing one of my saxophones) Welcome to the cafe.:cool:
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Hi Meldrew!

A Big Welcome to the Cafe from the Skabertawe Lites down by yer in Wales, mind! Glad you've really taken to the sax and also found a sense of long term destiny! You are certainly quite young for a Late Bloomer but will probably age physically at some point, though will inevitably become younger mentally.

I look forward to keeping in touch with your progess - which exams have you done by the way (ABRSM, ABRSM Jazz, Trinity, London College of Music, or other)?

Kind regards
Well, thanks again.

Tom - I've just done my grade 4 with ABRSM ("legit", rather than jazz) and clearly have a long way to go.:D

Mr Andersson - consider it done next time I go to the fishmonger! Tom, give my regards to my Aunt in Gelinudd, by the way.
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