PPT mouthpieces

Saxophones Just a couple of pictures my saxomophones


Senior Member
Rochester, New York
Alto - Kessler and Sons standard series gold laquer
Tenor - Selmer BundyII
Not tempted to chew your horns yet? Or get playful around them?

I only had one, but I wouldn't have trusted him around my horns. He could have caused damages with his tail alone! :w00t:

But I didn't play when he was still around...

I spotted the chew-bone on one of your pictures...
The horns are in my office (with the rest of the stuff I don't want chewed). They tend to go after the cool fuzzy toys that are in the sax cases when I'm playing around the house and forget to shut the door. Now the darker colored one likes to sing when I'm playing, and I will ocasionally play chase with him, tooting the horn as I chase and giggling as I run away.
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