PPT mouthpieces

How to learn Circular Breathing

Launeddas players start with the straw in a glass of water (few youtube videos about it)
Do not get frustrated if it takes a while to work.
The main issues for me are when to breath in and how to keep the sound quality when I am doing so.
I cannot do it on some registers or on flute.
Swimmers will have no problem learning this simple to do but difficult to explain technique. The simplest explanation I read was to take a mouthful of water and spit it out using mouth muscles, while breathing in and out through the nose. I believe it's quite difficult on flute. The smaller the reed the easier it is.
Thanks for the replies. At least now I know that I am not imagining things despite the fact that I nearly choked to death on my first attempt :-( One of the things that tossed me was the cheek bellows as I remember Miles Davis saying how he had been taught to keep them tight.
I believe he did :) I have just been watching Dizzy Gillespie, now he extends the cheeks beyond belief. Pete's article and links very informative. Interesting he learned via the didgereedoo. As for Kenny G, hey its so simple I should have it cracked by next week. In fact I also watched James Morrison doing an excellent rendition of Mozart's horn concerto on a garden hose. Now THAT IS EMBOUCHURE.

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