PPT mouthpieces

Can You Relate?

On the other hand, my GAS proclivity is entirely self-taught.
I think it's hormonally wired into male genes. Gearheaditis is a male syndrome that causes men to collect a zillion items of whatever mechanical genre they favor. Hence electronics, fishing gear, hardware, sports equipment, cars, motorcycles, instruments (my srring strangler buddies are no different than us in that regard), etc etc.

In my case before saxes came into the picture it was fishing tackle....I mean how many lures do you really need to catch a fcking fish that bears wade in and grab with their claws? That was along with my lifelong waste of money on hardware and bric a brac cause I might need 3 boxes of flat head screws and 3 rolls of duct tape and 2 tubes of silicon caulking really soon, you know. Please go in my hardware closet and see those two tubes that you could now pound nails with they're so hard. And if I've used even one of those boxes of screws in 15 years it must be in an alternate universe.

Finding saxes buying sites has in fact saved me from those two other addictions since they're more expensive than lures, reels, and even rods and nuts and bolts for sure. I may not have ever found the right lure to catch my dreamed of large mouth bass or giant trout but I have found nirvana in mouthpiece land.

BTW, women have the same hormonal flaw except for them it's shoes, bags, make-up and jewelry. I used to joke to my wife about getting a sign to stick on her back that said, "Beware of Sudden Stops at Shoe Store Windows. Don't Tailgate!"

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