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Metal Mouthpieces

Hi PJ,
I don't use either of those, i use Hahn synthetic's which are made from Kevlar and Resin i believe.I use a strength 2.5 and i love the response and consistancy, they remind me of vandoren java's that i used to use. I've been using this one for over 5 month's now, and it's as good as the day i got it. I've never tried Fibracell but i have used Plasticover's, i know that Plasticover's are very popular with the Metalite but never bothered cause they don't last forever like synthetic's. I use the Hahn because it's great for R/B R/R and the Blues Brothers type of stuff. As regard's the Plasticover that's a normal reed part covered in some type of plastic, the Fibracell is all synthetic like the Hahn but made from a different recipe so to speak.You don't need to wet synth's or Plasticovers and as far as i'm aware the Hahn is stored flat in the box it came in.It has stayed perfectly flat and perfect, there was no instruction's how to store in the box. It is too thin to store in a normal reed wallet so it stays in the box! no problem.Plasticovers i would probably store in a reed wallet the other synth's might have instruction's in the box they come in. Another reason i picked the Hahn was the low price compared to some of the others. If your going to play jazz there might be other makes of synthetic's that would suit that type of music better. I don't play jazz so i don't know.Again there are some great link's to the Hahn synth on SOTW.
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@ Jack...I'm using a Rovner light which came with it's own cap, seems to work well. I tried to use a metal ligature and it didn't respond as well. What type of ligature are you using with your Metalite?
It's odd actually

I have a friend who owns a repair shop. I stopped by and he sold me a used Selmer metal ligature and a cap that was in his bin for $ 6.00! not bad compared to the online or music store prices! Seems to work ok but I've only had it for 1 day.
Hi Jack! calm down, there's not a problem :shocked::w00t:;}

The Lig should work well providing it is a good fit. With metal ligs I find that it can help to store the on the mouthpiece with an old reed to enable it to mold to shape and/or keep its shape.

Selmer ligs are pretty good - cost much more than $6 now, though.
Kind regards

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