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Grade 5 Exam!


Well-Known Member
Hertfordshire, England

A few minuites ago my music teacher phoned up and told me the results of my first ever grade exam! It was with trinity guildhall. I got 92 out of 100 which is distinction!
I got:
21/22 piece a
21/22 piece b
20/22 piece c
12/14 scales
8/10 sightreading
10/10 musical knowledge.

Well done Lewis :welldone:welldone:welldone

But only 12 of of 14 for your scales! what's going on there then? Only kidding, a distinction is a wonderful result.

Which pieces did you do? I did "La Cumparsita", "Spanish Love Song" and "Don't Count On Me" - I can feel the prickling of nerves just thinking about them, not an experience I want to relive.

Best wishes,

Well done CJ!

I must admit the ABRSM seem to have the nicest choice of music of the 3 boards of music (ABRSM, Trinity/Guildhall and London College of Music/Thames Valley University, the latter board being the only one in UK that does Jazz Grades 6,7& 8 for Brass instruments as distinct from Woodwind)

Kind regards from Skabertawe
Wow well done! Just passed my grade five too! Not with Guildhall though, with ABRSM. Is guildhall good? What sax do you use?

Hi John,

I use a selmer super action series II selmer mouthpiece + lig and a strength 3 vandoren reed! I like the warm tone I can create.

I used trinity because in the future I shall be using It .I don't think I will be doing theory so can't do 6, 7 and 8 with ABRSM. Also Trinity is cheaper and slightly easier.


Something I left out in the post was that the examiner though I was doing the aural exam! So I did the whole aural test before asking, "Is this musical knowledge?"
The reply I recieved was: " silly me! I'm used to people doing sightreading and aural!"

Oh well, I don't think I did to bad in the aural test, even though it didn't count!

Cheers everyone! Lewis;}
Well done, that's a great result. I'm hoping to take my grade 5 Trinity exam around xmas time.( it'll be my first ) Although several years older than you I hope to get a great result like you. You must be very proud of yourself. Any chance you could let me know what pieces you did so I can see what I've got to try and achieve. :welldone

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