Photo contest

First time video editing...comments or helpful hints?

Thanks Dave and Ivan. Hopefully you thought the music was an OK fit. I was playing soprano, which is unusual for me...I mostly go for sopranino when playing a high pitch horn. Very nice old Martin straight sop that has lovely mellow tone.

Will (hopefully) be playing with my favorite (NZ) guitarist in a couple weeks for 20 dancers at a 3 day retreat in a remote lodge. Got cancelled last time due to a covid lockdown. The same guy who did the video shots will probably be attending and filming. Maybe more to come with soundtrack?
Musically it’s the best thing (for my taste) that I’ve heard you do Wade - well-controlled nice sound. You know that I prefer soprano to sopranino and that applies to your playing of the two also. The playing here really does make statements and have direction. Not too free. For me, it would be interesting if you used vibrato less of the time, though this is purely a style observation, and it’s something I comment on from a point of recognising that I do similar. I think the higher instruments sometimes demand less vibrato, and if we use too much it can date us - though vib seems to be coming back into vogue again.

Video: ignoring the subject matter, I find it too dark. It took me a few seconds to realise that it wasn’t a seal or dolphin.

Having said that, video editing software is as complex as a DAW, so it’s a great success all round I think.

Good job. Go straight more often, less curly! :cool:
Thanks Pete. Good honest opinions are wonderful to hear. Most amusing that now in my mid 70s my vibrato may be coming back into fashion. Fact is that the music was recorded more than 5 years ago and I've since toned down the vibrato quite a lot.

My goal was to make the female bather barely recognizable and definitely (at least in the beginning) not have her recognizable at all, so it works...but not for you...oh well!

Very glad that the track works musically for you. Still just a improvisation, sometimes you win...and then there are the other times. I have enormous respect for those who practice and work up/out parts and make them perfect. My goal is to find melodic lines, harmonies, counterpoint, etc. spontaneously. That is much more likely to happen if one is always playing in that mode, so I just accept that some tracks don't work. Trying to keep a broad base in terms of styles/genera suits me too. Could one get a lot better playing one style and striving for perfection? Surely yes! Again, I'm mid 70s, so have little to look forward to in busting my chops to improve when arthritis, dementia, or worse are just around the corner. This is fun time and improvisation is maximum play fun for me. It took me less time to edit the video than it often takes to edit my audio tracks. Adjusting dynamics and cutting out all the superfluous crap seems to take forever. I hate audio editing, but video is something new and challenging. Possibly even easier than audio editing as long as I've got a clear vision/idea (and it's not too complex).

Many thanks again for your comments. Pertinent, honest and refreshing!
Putting aside the fact that she needs to put a vest on or she'll catch her death, I think the vid matched the mood of the music well. Loved the playing as always, the interplay between the guitar and the sax really works.

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