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Tenor Viol's musings

Last weekend was my first big choral concert for quite a few years. I sang regularly in multiple choirs for decades, but for various reasons I dropped my choirs around ten years ago. I have depped a few times when asked with various groups since. Usually when they've needed number bolstering and I've sung most of the mainstream repertoire numerous times so I can rock up and sing on the day.

I joined the Cumbria Singers when I moved last year. It's a bit of a different type of choir as they only do the one big concert and only have six rehearsals spread over half a year. They have a 'big name' (ish) conductor for each concert and use pro players for the orchestra.

Orchestra was tuba; 3 trombones; 3 trumpets; 4 horns; pairs of flutes, oboes, clarinets, and bassoons, plus contrabassoon and bass clarinet; strings (66642), harp, and cathedral organ.

Concert day was last Saturday in Carlisle cathedral. Works were Elgar's "The Music Makers", and two works by Fauré: Requiem and Cantique de Jean Racine.

Concert was more-or-less a sell out.

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