PPT mouthpieces

Conn-Selmer DAS180 Avant Alto Sax

You need to be aware that the marketing puff about the brand names is just that. Conn-Selmer has absolutely nothing to do with the classic US built Conn saxes (or the rubbish ones built in the 1970s and 1980s for that matter) or the high end French Selmer saxes. It's just a brand which now is used to market low to mid range saxes built in China and Taiwan. I've had a couple of Con-Selmer saxes, and they were OK nut nothing special. I'd certainly rather have a second hand Yamaha YAS 25 or YAS275 than a new Conn-Selmer.
You need to be aware that the marketing puff about the brand names is just that. Conn-Selmer has absolutely nothing to do with the classic US built Conn saxes (or the rubbish ones built in the 1970s and 1980s for that matter) or the high end French Selmer saxes. It's just a brand which now is used to market low to mid range saxes built in China and Taiwan. I've had a couple of Con-Selmer saxes, and they were OK nut nothing special. I'd certainly rather have a second hand Yamaha YAS 25 or YAS275 than a new Conn-Selmer.

Jonf. Thank you very much that’s really interesting. I’ve never had a half decent sax and always wanted a yas275. I think I will hold out for that. I’ve seen them for about £350/400 it’s just finding one. Thank s again really appreciate that.
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