PPT mouthpieces

Daily Check In

Minor excitement of the day is discovering a cockroach in the car while sending the kids off to school. Fortunately, we were near a supermarket when I noticed it on the dashboard, so there was a spot to pulled over and we tried to chase it out of the car. Well, that's one way to shake up a very routine morning weekday! 😅
Halfway in my morning routine. Trimming the cast seams on my homemade pads with a pair of scissors. Sitting in the sun and listening to music, very peaceful.
Just finished a Conn 6M. Time for a coffee break and after that a Conn bari. Conns are nice instruments to work on. I enjoy the well thought lay-out and try not to think of the scrub screws.
Weird start to the day. I was up at 6.30. I was contemplating a shower when there was a knock at the door |(7.45) and a tradesman with a widget in one hand saying: I've come to fit this...

"This" being a water meter which the utility company forgot to install last year. Every two weeks a bot generates an e-mail, "We are sorry for the delay...".

No, they hadn't contacted me to arrange an installation. It took all of two minutes. What I don't get is that I was only the second house to be occupied yet my meter was missing. They've built another 30 houses since and the utility company are regularly on site to install their meters...

Shower was delayed until he'd gone. Then I decided to mow the back lawn and given warmer weather, I watered the tubs.
Downloaded the Merlin birdwatching app.
It identifies all the birds in the dawn chorus by their calls.
Makes ordering breakfast simpler.
And thanks for the tip. That was just what I needed. Installed it right away and tried it out on this Dutch campsite where we are staying (bird singing everywhere). My wife was very impressed and asked me to install it on her phone as well.
And today we had our first BBQ of the year, very nice!
I'm just doing some ivy taming whenever there's a shady period, and have just cut up my old friend (a wheelbarrow) which has a seriously rusty frame and is heading to recycling. BBQ sounds a good idea; later today mebbe... Sax practice is also competing for time; 3 ska numbers, South African jazzband rehearsal, another video for my course tutor (priority) and 4 or 5 funk numbers needed for my nephews Brownload festival all quite soon...
Recovering from the shock of photographing one of the brightest aurorae I've ever seen. It's a toss-up with one from 2001, but I have no photos of that one as it was before I owned a digital camera and I had no film in the camera that night!
Today I've made some acoustic panels, had the wood left over from a job, so knocked up some frames, filled them with acoustic insulation, and stretched some fabric over them, then fixed them to the wall with the scientific skill of a chimp, who knows what effect it'll have? But it passed the day :confused2: (Saxophones currently residing in another room until I'm sure they won't fall down 🤣)
I have washed my car and reproofed the hood.

Sat in the garden in the sun with a cheeky glass of white wine. Steaks on the BBQ for tea me thinks then try and catch the 2nd instalment of the light show 😄

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