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Any arrangers, particularly for big band, in the house?


Well-Known Member
United Kingdom
I started looking at arranging for big band about a year or so ago, and having a lot of fun with it. I do have a band that I play with who try some of them out; some work, others don't (not always because of the arrangement itself of course).

Anyone else here that writes or arranges for big band, would love to bounce ideas about etc.

And of course, anyone who's bands want to play any of my charts, just yell; happy to share so long as I get some feedback on them (and a recording is always gold too!)
I used to write a bit, back when I had access to a working band. I just started a new arrangement of Bolivia, by Cedar Walton, and will be looking for groups to play it. Ready in a couple weeks I hope.

Love to discuss further. As a conversation starter, check out Steven Feifke’s YouTube channel. He has a few videos that are “study” tools, with the score being displayed while the band plays. And oh yeah, the band is very, very good.

An example, here is “I’ve Got Algorithm”:

The original video (longer):

And a discussion about it:
I'll properly check those out when I get back from my current work trip!

The main head is very classic call and response between saxes and brass which is very nice. That huge chord at 1:32 ish is fab as well.

Initial glance looks a lot of close voicing, which makes sense given the pace and style.

I recently had a lesson with Iain Dixon, and the amusing thing that came from that was learning "the rules"; I.e. Close, drop 2, drop 4, always support the trumpets, never have a smaller interval than a minor third between lead and second voice etc..... and then discarding them all completely!

I transcribed the first part of Opening by Kenny Wheeler as an example:

Completely different style of voicing; a lot more focus on having the third and seventh supported well by the trombones/tenor saxes and build on top.

Hopefully this comes over a bit more in my most recent arrangement of Mas Que Nada:


mp3 mockup
I have been thinking about getting back into arranging for big band, and a chance discovery that Dorico software was available for iPad kicked me into motion (a remarkable occurence). This discussion provided additional motivation. So, here is my big band arrangement of Cedar Walton’s Bolivia.


The realization was done by exporting MIDI from Dorico, into Logic Pro for iPad. I used the Studio Horns that are included with Logic, and the stock Logic piano, bass and drums. The drum part is just a couple of loops I developed, edited for the solo section at the end.

The solos, trumpet and tenor in the score, were played on a wind controller, using some vanilla FM voices on the Logic FM synth plugin. Apologies for the poor playing.

If you want to look at the score, it’s available on my Google Drive: 01 - Full score - Bolivia.pdf

If you want the parts, get in touch with me via PM. (Or, you could just copy them by hand like I used to do.)

Comments of all kinds gratefully accepted.

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