your thoughts please: Sexy and I know it, Acoustic style...


Sax Drinker / Beer player
Hi there,

A month or 2 back a couple of friends and me started (yet another) band. We are playing/going to play acoustic versions of Dance songs..

So last night we had a few good things happening, and the final song we rehearsed but havent played together before: Sexy and I know it by LMFAO.

this is our second take, were I put my telephone behind the cushions (hence; pillow talk) of the couch and recored this

WAIT! maybe turn the volume down a tad, it's quite a course recording:


so I would like to hear some constructive criticism, I allready have my own (and I can be harsh) but I would like some feedback. and I'm not fishing for compliments. in a week we have another rehearsal and I would like to have this (turd?) polished.

I'm looking mostly for comments on my playing but band overall is also welcome.

well I'm off now to another rehearsal (now I'm tired of the word rehearse)


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A bit hard to tell from the rec, just listening with the ipad speaker. But I thought the Sax bit would work better with a semiquaver feel type solo as opposed to the quaver, for a bit more contrast to the backing.🙂
A bit hard to tell from the rec, just listening with the ipad speaker. But I thought the Sax bit would work better with a semiquaver feel type solo as opposed to the quaver, for a bit more contrast to the backing.🙂

thanks for the comment, but what sax bit? the one just before the vocals at 0:34 or the solo bit around 3 min's in?

(and it's not the iPad speaker, the recording isnt top notch to say the least ;-) )
Yeah. The Sax bit about 3 mins in. Just thought a more busy solo could spice it up a bit. Perhaps with Alto, but what the overall sound is in the flesh may be quite different to what I can hear on an ipad speaker. 🙂
Yeah. The Sax bit about 3 mins in. Just thought a more busy solo could spice it up a bit. Perhaps with Alto, but what the overall sound is in the flesh may be quite different to what I can hear on an ipad speaker. 🙂

that may be.. but I think the general idea is clear. And I will give it a try.. but what you hear is what was in my head at the time, that was just improv on the spot so if I practice at home I could spice it up more
Keon, perhaps varying the rhythm of the sax part in the first half might push the song in the right direction. It feels like it's dragging at the moment. I don't know the song so it's just an opinion based on what I heard.

I think you've mad a good fist of it and your style fits the groove
It's quite a loose arrangement but with practice you might tighten it (unles you don't want to)

Awful recording
thanks for the comments guys..

I'm molding an idea I'm reading these comments.

I think it'll make the song more intresting if I indeed vary the sax rythm towards the middle, do the solo bit with maybe a bit or a lot more semiquavers and then fall back in the smooth beginning rythm. so the overall track has a crescendo decresendo feeling with the peek in the middle.

what do you think?

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