Yes!! I want to get an early Committee 3! I had two from the late 40's and one from 1954. All great horns! But the earlier ones were deeper/fatter. All had a lush sound with lots of tonal flexibility and dynamics. My '54 was a little bright and I eventually got tired of it and sold it.
Now I play a Conn 6M from 1941. Couldn't be happier! But if I wanted to get a second horn, I'd get an early Comm 3 because they are such beautiful, expressive horns.
For me the Conn is easier to play, with a slicker feel under the fingers. It's a more big open sound, never nasal, a bit more spread, and a little huskier/boomier.
Ultimately, the Conn lacks the finesse and the magical tone that the Martin can provide, a singing, voice-like quality, that packs a punch.
If I could only have one, the Conn does the job for me, but the Martin is amazing. It's on another level!