SOLD on Cafesaxophone Yanagisawa Tenor 5 Mouthpiece

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Well-Known Member
Yanagisawa Tenor HR 5 Mouthpiece for sale ... Excellent condition, only cosmetics are lig marks & scratches, the Beak, Rails and table are perfect .. Always been played with a patch.

This is an excellent "upgrade" piece with an excellent sound, I got it with the YTS as it approximated the Selmer E which I was used to , I`ve since become "8* friendly" with the PPT and got a Keilwerth 8 as a warmer smoochy piece ..

These are £135 new for just the piece only at , I`m asking £65 + postage (about £5 within the UK mainland south of Glasgow at a guess via courier or Special delivery)

Like most of the forum members we have a few mouthpieces, I have a few Jody jazz chi, jody jazz ny, Lawton 6* morgan excaliber, SML 4, and a yanigisawa 5 as above and I' ll tell you its as good as any I own and any I've had in the past infact it's my longest owned piece great buy for that money or even the full retail it's a good as any inc the two Expensive jody jazz. And if its not sold I might consider having it as a spare.
Thanks Andy , Rather than trying to get the max , I set the price so either a beginner could warrant buying it to replace a Bari Esprit / Yam 4C etc or a more experienced player for a spare or to try out narrower gap or HR pieces without having to lash out on a JJ, Eizen etc but want better than a standard HR link .. Also because I thought it may result in a quick sale ;-)
Thanks Andy , Rather than trying to get the max , I set the price so either a beginner could warrant buying it to replace a Bari Esprit / Yam 4C etc or a more experienced player for a spare or to try out narrower gap or HR pieces without having to lash out on a JJ, Eizen etc but want better than a standard HR link .. Also because I thought it may result in a quick sale ;-)
Someone should snap this up. I have a Yani metal 7 for tenor.....excellent. Although the PPT is my current choice
gidday there...i have been buying and selling saxes for over 10 years now in oztrailer and have had many pieces come my way....
my first tenor piece i bought from my teacher,tony buchanan,which he bought in england when he was playing there(anyone listen to him there?),it is a berg-Larsen and i still play's lovely,and in the last few years i have been worried a bit about dropping and breaking it or it getting pinched or something,so i have been trying anything hard rubber that comes my way and looks right....
i got this yani 5 like yours but very"greenish"not black,and tried it out after a clean-up....
it is now in my drawer as a spare.....lovely piece....
that was a bit of a story,but i hope you sell yours and i also would like to try a 6 or7....
cheers,philip from down-under
I use one of the older Yani HR baritone pieces on my B6.
It was a 5 but I managed to open it up to around a 7-7* and added a long baffle to it.
Its a really nice piece now with plenty of punch.
Thanks BFlat and SSS ....... Yup they`re really good and often overlooked as an aftermarket buy due to being the OEM supplied piece with high end Yanis ....... Well it`s still for sale, still only £65 and of course the Tenor not Alto version (less common on the used market)
Thanks BFlat and SSS ....... Yup they`re really good and often overlooked as an aftermarket buy due to being the OEM supplied piece with high end Yanis ....... Well it`s still for sale, still only £65 and of course the Tenor not Alto version (less common on the used market)
Is that what I got with my YTS and 875? Have not even looked at them!
i think that the yamaha 4CM are good mouthpieces,even the student model 4C is a good piece....
the yani 5 i got the other week is fantastic though....
cheers,hope that helps prof...
As SSS says, the Yamahas are good pieces, I find them bland but safe (even the Bari Esprit is more complex) the problem with Yamaha is that you always seem to get a 4C even on the Pro Saxes and a Yamaha 4 is narrower than a standard 4 by the link guidelines . I`d have thought a 6C would be more at home on a 475 (Link 5 Tip equiv) and a 7C if it exists would be more appropriate on the 62 and Customs .

Yamaha are really mean with accessories anyway . Even with a 62 Pro level horn all you get is a Webbing sling barely fit for a Soprano, a plain thin cloth, owners book and one Rico orange box 2 reed already fitted to the mouthpiece . you only get the HR piece with the 875 as far as I know - well a mate got a plastic 4C with an 82Z-II anway . Yani give the HR piece with the 62 level 901 .

The Yani 5 Tenor HR is still for sale, no one has snapped this up yet ..
i have had a few new 875-EX and they came with the 4CM pieces....haven't had any other new yamaha's....but most of the secondhand ones i have gotten,pro horns,have come with the 4CM's too....

that said...i do love the yanagisawa pieces,not only the one you are selling for tenor as my spare piece,but i play a hard-rubber yani5 on soprano....

good luck...
you did the work yourself on the mouthpiece?
do you do this for a job?
No I don't do it for a living.
Only did it to this one because after buying the Yanagisawa B6 I had no money for a decent piece.
The piece came with the sax but I found it too small and a bit darker than I liked.
I just took it slowly and did my best, but it worked out quite well.
It's quite a powerful piece now with a Berg 2 chamber type of vibe.
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