Saxophones Yanagisawa T800 - 1983/84


Hi All.

Its been a long time since I've investigated anything sax related having not touched my sax's for 5 to 10 years. I've finally got them out again, but think I'll sell one as I really cannot warrant keeping both due to the lack of usage.

Id appreciate someone's help in valueing my Tenor which I believe to be a Yanagisawa T800 from the mid 80's. There's no model marking on the sax itself, but the serial number suggests this having looked at the various online sites.

The sax is still in good condition and even though it's been stored a while it still plays OK. I'm sure it could do with a service though and ideally the pads replacing to bring it back to 100% spec again. I've owned this for nearly 20 years and it comes with hard case, cleaner, neck strap and a choice of a 5* or 7* Otto Link Eburnate mouth piece.

Any feedback as to the rough value and the best place to sell this would be appreciated.

Hi Nick, I can't answer the question. I feel sure someone will be along that can.
Welcome to the Café btw, why don't you go to the 'Doorbell' and tell us some more about you and your saxes.

Hi All.

Its been a long time since I've investigated anything sax related having not touched my sax's for 5 to 10 years. I've finally got them out again, but think I'll sell one as I really cannot warrant keeping both due to the lack of usage.

Id appreciate someone's help in valueing my Tenor which I believe to be a Yanagisawa T800 from the mid 80's. There's no model marking on the sax itself, but the serial number suggests this having looked at the various online sites.

The sax is still in good condition and even though it's been stored a while it still plays OK. I'm sure it could do with a service though and ideally the pads replacing to bring it back to 100% spec again. I've owned this for nearly 20 years and it comes with hard case, cleaner, neck strap and a choice of a 5* or 7* Otto Link Eburnate mouth piece.

Any feedback as to the rough value and the best place to sell this would be appreciated.


Hi Nick....I doubt if it is a T800 as i am sure all yanigisawas in the 800 series were stamped. not sure if the serial no. are a good guide either.
Will do Chris and thanks James.

I've taken some pictures, but can't post a link till my post count increases. I'll get something up as soon as I'm allowed.
Hopefully this works, photos below.

Let me know if there's a particular angle which will help identify the model and I'll post more photos. I'd appreciate any help anyone can give.

Thanks for that. There are some differences from the ebay sax compared to mine. 1 being the engraving and the other being:

The key guard here:

and the key arrangement here

This is a T4 OR T5 as discussed on the SOTW and was advertised last month, has the same key setup that you highlighted.
Hope this helps

FS: Vintage Yanagisawa Tenor 1976 - Sax on the Web Forum sale: Vintage Yanagisawa Tenor saxophone from 1976 Good condition. No
leaks. ... And the Martin on eBay before I think is also a T5.

For sale:
Vintage Yanagisawa Tenor saxophone from 1976
Good condition. No leaks. No solder. With original case and mpc.


Shipping from Germany
Price: 775 Euro / 1000 USD
This also may help
PS Taken from SOTW

There is no way this is a T5...!

I'm busy with an on-going project about the history of Yanagisawa's since some of the history is vague and in some cases model numbers are confusing. I've got photos of about 50+ Yanagisawa horns in my archive and some of them are quite interesting, but one thing stands out, and that is besides different model numbers stamped on some horns of the same era, all horns or of the same era have certain things in common.

The T5 was way before this horn. This horn is a 1979 model. In 1978 the T6 changed to T800. My experience with models from the change over periods are that they often do not have model numbers stamped on, and sometimes even confusing serial numbers (I own a SC900 that's only stamped 018xxx)

This horn screams everything T6 and T800. Large round bell brace like T800 and T880, by the 9xx series this type of bell brace was changed. Before this large bell brace, it was a smaller ring like a MK VI as seen on the T5 series... but remember during model changes there are always some horns with older or newer features stamped older or newer numbers. T5 also had a metal guard over the right hand side key rods.

This horn has the T800 pinky table, T800 style low B adjuster, T800 style high F# lever and alt F# lever, T800 style high F.

Now lets get to the case... this style of case was used early in die 1980s, after this style of case is a more brown interior colour case and by the mid 80's the golden yellow interior cases as seen with many 880's.

I own 7 Yanagisawa's and 4 of them is from the 1980 to 1982 era. In my opinion this is the best era if you're looking for a vintage Yani.

Great price for this horn.
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I am more confused now than when i started to look, and it also seems so for most of the guys who own and have owned these Vintage Yanagisawas, but as you were enquiring as to the possible value, it looks to me like you can ask top dollar for the condition and as they are very well documented as great horns. I would reckon around the 800 mark.
I played one of these a few years ago, really liked it but couldn't afford it, IMHO these are very good horns.
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As clear as mud then 🙂 I've emailed Yanagisawa to see if they can help. You never know they may respond.

£800 seems cheap to me, but I could be wrong. Maybe I'll pop it into a shop somewhere to see what they think.

This is a purple logo 62. He had it first as an auction start at 999 with no bids. the new listing it sold for an offer bid, i would imagine under 1000. and thats the competition. the 62 generally, is in more demand but If you are not in a hurry,and find a buyer that is looking for a Vintage Yanagisawa, then up to 1000
Also you could check out the yard sale, there was a mint condition T901 that was only 3 months old and i believe the final price was 1590 and i dont think it sold.
I played a Yanagisawa T-880 and it had an underslung octave key à la King Super 20. It also had double arms on the low C, and B. A fine sax but couldn't compete with my Martin saxes. Martin 880 model (Leblanc bought Martin in 1971) was a Yanigisawa stencil. The horn on the picture can be a Yanigisawa 500?

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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