Saxophones Yamaha Yas E1 information

Seasons grettings everybody, hope you've all had a lovely Christmas.

I've have the opportunity to get a brand new Yamaha Alto sax. I'm a beginner and currently using a Jupiter 500 which I purchased used from a well known auction site. It's okay but has some sticky keys, etc. It also produces lots of squeaky notes (which I'm sure is a fault of the sax rather than a fault of mine!🙂

Anyway, I have the chance to get this Yas E1 but can't find any information about this particular model. Can anyone shed any light?
Hi there

It is essentially a YAS 275, marketed in Europe (particularly Eastern Europe) instead of the 275. Did it come from Czechoslovakia by any chance? Anyway, it's a good sax, perfect for a beginner.

Thanks Jon,

The stamp says from Indonesia. It was bought in a (reputable) retailer's in UK. I wonder why it's marked E1 rather than 275 - maybe a cheap job lot.
Hi again

All Yamaha student saxes are made in Indonesia these days. I mentioned Eastern Europe as that's where a lot of the E1 models seem to be destined. But no matter - it's exactly the same as the YAS 275, your retailer probably just bought up some additional stock with a different model number, that's all.

I have heard of a Yamaha YAS 21 (student) 31 series (semi-pro or intermediate) and 61 (top of the line pro) and all these Yamaha horns are from the 1970s but never a E1 model. A few years ago Yamaha were marketing a Q series Yamaha student horns but now days appear to have died a natural death. As previously mentioned the 275 series appears to have superseded the 21, 23 and 25 student line - it might pay to google Yamaha E1 saxophone and see what appears - good hunting and good luck.
I have never heard of a Yamaha E1 alto saxophone, in fact if the 25 is more common outside of Europe the 275 is the most common denomination in Europe. Yamaha produces student's models in Indonesia and in China, never heard of any Yamahas made by Amati (which is the only " Made in the Czech Republic " saxophone maker still in existence..........Czechoslovakia as a state doesn't exist anymore since 1993 when it split in both Czech and Slovak republic )
Not sure why there's any confusion here. The Yamaha E1 is made in Indonsia, marketed in Eastern Europe and is the same as a YAS275. That's exactly the same as, not superseding, or similar to. You'll see it advertised on websites of music shops in, among others, the Czech Republic. It's not made there, and has nothing to do with Amati.

Yamaha have always had their main product line (student saxes were YAS 21, then 23, then 25 and currently 275) but have adopted other designations for exactly the same sax from time to time. There was a YAS A3 being sold by Normans in the UK recently - it was also a YAS 275 with a different name.
Hello, I think I may have solved the mystery!
I spoke to the retailer and he said that that YAS E1 is exactly the same as the YAS 275 but it's a special version for (non-internet based) retailers. Something about shops being unhappy about online competition (which I didn't really understand, although his explanation sounded plausible at the time).

Anyway, it's a YAS 275. I haven't had a chance to have a blow yet, been so busy over the last few days. But now I've set up the kids new pc's, repaired their previously broken wireless network, etc. etc. I think I deserve an hour or so to unpack it and see how it sounds:sax:. I'm a bit nervous though because if I still fail to get some notes, I may have to consider the possibility that it's me! Oh the trials and tribulations of being a beginner!;}

Thanks for all your interest and responses.
I can see the rationale, but I'm not convinced: Potential buyer tries a YAS E1 in a shop, likes it, goes home to "think about it", Googles for it, finds nothing so returns to the shop to buy it. I'd be concerned if I couldn't find the model online.

Not that long ago Yamaha did the YAS-S3 and YTS-S3, (essentially the YAS275 & YTS275 with different cases) I only ever saw them advertised on Normans website, and searching for them now all you find is our previous conversations about them, some stuff on SOTW and a few other links.

Maybe Yamaha are doing the same with the YAS E1? A call to Yamaha UK would probably not go a miss if you are concerned

Contact Us - Support - Yamaha - UK and Ireland

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All these explanations leave me unconvinced. There is no Google reference at all. The only Yamaha E1 I can see seems to be a motorbike. Surely a YAs-E1 would have left a trace somewhere.
I don't think you're using Google efficiently. If you google "YAS E1" including the quotes, and make sure you search all of Google, not just your home country, you'll get loads of responses. You might need to translate, but when I looked I got about 5 pages of responses. All showing what is very clearly a YAS275.
I don't think you're using Google efficiently. If you google "YAS E1" including the quotes, and make sure you search all of Google, not just your home country, you'll get loads of responses. You might need to translate, but when I looked I got about 5 pages of responses. All showing what is very clearly a YAS275.

true, my search shows several hits (the first ones referring to this thread 😀 ) and all of them only in czech Yamaha must have dome a special denomination for them alone
true, my search shows several hits (the first ones referring to this thread 😀 ) and all of them only in czech Yamaha must have dome a special denomination for them alone

Jonf has been saying this all along - full marks for hanging in there!
I had an AS100 (I think that was correct) being the far eastern equivalent of our starter model prior to 275...
anyway Philly let's Hope you are pleased with it?!
I might be able to shed a little light. As I understand it the 'E' or educational models (sax, clarinet, flute and brass) have been designed to compete with the instruments at the lower end of the price range, such as the first Jupiter and TJJ models but Yamaha are currently trialling and waiting for feedback. My music service boss got chatting to some people from Yamaha at a conference recently and got sent one of each. I am trying out the E1 sax and clarinet. So far so good, good workmanship, even intonation and tone quality throughout. My own Google search for any further info brought me here and it was interesting to see the post about the Q series so maybe this will be more successful. Hope my first post helps!
Thanks to Philly123, jonf and SJR235 particularly for shedding light on this. If, as milandro suggests, Yamaha has done a special deal for Slovakia and the Czech Republic, there must have been good commercial reasons for this. I looked up the quote offered by maxistore (which BTW seems very much internet-based) in Slovakia, and the have the E-1 for 886 euros. So there wouldn't be any incentive, if you live in the UK, to pick one up on your next trip there. So, at any rate Philly123 has picked up a nice instrument.

There is one thing I still don't quite get. Why does Yamaha sell an instrument that has acquired a very good reputation over the years as a beginner's and school instrument in an educational version? Does it have features not yet available on the YAS-275?

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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