Yamaha 82Z Tenor.

There is an 875 Ex Custom on eBay being sold by a pro classical sax player in London. I think it has dropped top £2150. I bought an 875 after comparing to an 82Z.
There is an 875 Ex Custom on eBay being sold by a pro classical sax player in London. I think it has dropped top £2150. I bought an 875 after comparing to an 82Z.

That's so thoughtful of you ! Thank you. I'm quite certain that the 875 Ex on eBay, and many other saxes, would do the job just as well but it has been a significant personal achievement for me to have narrowed my choice to a 82Z. Considering anything other than a 82Z could reopen a can of worms the opening of which could result in consequences too terrible to contemplate. It's a 82Z or bust !
Yea 82Z are amazing, had 4 !!!!!!!!!!! best of them was a silver plated Z, cool. Put a free add on saxtrader .

There is an 875 Ex Custom on eBay being sold by a pro classical sax player in London. I think it has dropped top £2150. I bought an 875 after comparing to an 82Z.

I've got the 82Z silver tenor that Davey sold me a year or two ago and I prefer to play it than my MkVI, Mk7, Keilwerth, Buffet etc. Very even sound and good ergonomics, with a slightly better bottom end to the Selmers. The silver plate takes a bit of looking after but does look nice.

If the 875 is better than the 82Z it must be a great horn.

the 875 isn`t better , it`s different . I see the 875 as a Yamaha for people who don`t like Yamahas going by the one I tried, it`s more "polite" for the want of a better word.. I prefer the 62 myself (a later Davey cast off) ..
How much are you looking to spend?
Whereabouts are you, your profile doesn't say where?

I'm in the UK and, as I said in my first post, willing to travel.

"How much are you willing to spend ?" Very slightly less than the asking price.
I'm in the UK and, as I said in my first post, willing to travel.

"How much are you willing to spend ?" Very slightly less than the asking price.
The reason I ask where you are is there may be a retailer close to you who someone here knows and may offer a discount, plus you could GO IN and try before you buy.

What is the "asking price"? Do you mean retail price? If so, what do you consider to be that retail price... £3,500.... or £2,800... or....?

Which version do you want: Lacquer; UNlacquered; Silver.....etc?

I'd like to help get you a bargain... like a challenge... but I need a little more help to save you hundreds.
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:rofl: Very helpful!

The reason I ask where you are is there may be a retailer close to you who someone here knows and may offer a discount, plus you could GO IN and try before you buy.

What is the "asking price"? Do you mean retail price? If so, what do you consider to be that retail price... £3,500.... or £2,800... or....?

Which version do you want: Lacquer; UNlacquered; Silver.....etc?

I'd like to help get you a bargain... like a challenge... but I need a little more help to save you hundreds.

I understand that you are being helpful and I appreciate it. I'm not interested in buying a brand new instrument. If I were, I wouldn't have placed an ad on the forum. I'm not bothered about finish. Any 82Z that's maybe a few
years old and available privately would be of interest. I usually play saxophones from the late 1930's so a Yamaha that's, for example, five years old isn't going to bother me.

Regarding my location. I have a car and there's the motorway system. I'm quite happy to travel to any part of the UK to view a sax. Thank you for taking an interest.
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Last try....

How much have you to spend, i.e. what is your budget to spend on a used Yamaha YTS-82Z saxophone?:
£500; £750; £1000; £1250; £1500; £1750; £2000; £2250; £2500; £2750; £3000?
Or maybe a figure in between one of these figures?
Could you be more precise as to how much you wish to spend on the YTS-82Z
What would you like to be paying out in money for the sax you require?
Last try....

How much have you to spend, i.e. what is your budget to spend on a used Yamaha YTS-82Z saxophone?:
£500; £750; £1000; £1250; £1500; £1750; £2000; £2250; £2500; £2750; £3000?
Or maybe a figure in between one of these figures?
Could you be more precise as to how much you wish to spend on the YTS-82Z
What would you like to be paying out in money for the sax you require?

I can't be more precise about what I would spend without knowing precisely about the condition, and age, of any 82Z
that was being offered. I can't see what else I can say. Usually, sellers have a figure in mind and the buyer (me) decides if
that it is a price they are happy to pay. The purpose of this thread is to invite anyone who has a 82Z they would like to sell to contact me.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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