WTB- Under reed pick-up


Formerly known as "nachoman"
Has anyone got 9up for grabs), or does anyone know where I can get, one of those under the reed pickups for my tenor? Yes, I know they’re a bit nasty but they’re great for running through effects and I’m.. ahem… on a bit of a weird noises trip at the moment :rolleyes:
is this the kind of thing you're looking for - SH 4001 Tonabnehmer für Saxophon und Klarinette
couldn't find one for sale in the UK, even from Barnes & Mullins who're the distributors for Shadow pickups http://www.bandm.co.uk/productThumbnails.aspx?brand=946ff622-025d-49b2-9b6a-749dd6529862 ,

but thomann stock them - Shadow SH4001 Piezo Pickup

I assume you have to glue the thing to your reed - not very convenient, but better than having to drill a hole in your mouthpiece like these things - http://www.pasoana.com/products.html
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is this the kind of thing you're looking for - SH 4001 Tonabnehmer für Saxophon und Klarinette
couldn't find one for sale in the UK, even from Barnes & Mullins who're the distributors for Shadow pickups http://www.bandm.co.uk/productThumbnails.aspx?brand=946ff622-025d-49b2-9b6a-749dd6529862 ,

but thomann stock them - Shadow SH4001 Piezo Pickup

I assume you have to glue the thing to your reed - not very convenient, but better than having to drill a hole in your mouthpiece like these things - http://www.pasoana.com/products.html

That Pasoana pickup looks very interesting.

I have a Berg-like no-name ebonite tenor mouthpiece witha similar lloking pickup in the top. It is marked 'Shure Brothers' but I think it is just a blanking plug as I can't see any wires or connectors. I would like to know more about these devices.

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I used to have one, Barcus Berry I think, that was held to the reed by the ligature, no need to glue it but I suppose you could.

Ah, I always wondered how these things were meant to be attached, I'm a bit too young to remember the days when rock sax players like Ian Underwood played through octave dividers and wah pedals, like this kind of gear -
or this -

or that Selmer Varitone that Eddie Harris used

Rhys, is this the Shure pickup you have? - http://shure.custhelp.com/app/answe...-ca20-transducer-pick-up-for-wind-instruments

I'm rather tempted to get one of those Shadow tranducers and see what kind of racket I can make with my Zoom G1X multieffects pedal.. >:)
I got a stick-on one from somewhere called sax.co.uk a few years ago. If I think really hard I might be able to remember the chap who sold it to me.
I got a stick-on one from somewhere called sax.co.uk a few years ago. If I think really hard I might be able to remember the chap who sold it to me.
Ah, it was you! I remember it being round the shop for ages and it finally leaving with someone who seemed the right person to own one (I think your love of Van Der Graaf Generator was known back then)!

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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