saxstorm Still battling on! 31 Birmingham UK Jan 28, 2012 #1 Don't miss a chance to hear my new comp for tenor sax and chainsaw -
Don't miss a chance to hear my new comp for tenor sax and chainsaw -
M Mike Member 527 Jan 28, 2012 #2 I would say that the individual shows a lot of promise and I can't help but respect the imagination of the individual... Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2012
I would say that the individual shows a lot of promise and I can't help but respect the imagination of the individual...
Z zannad Member 405 Feb 19, 2012 #4 2 great sax punksters here.... Now, I bet you won't find any transcript for these solos (pity). Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2012
2 great sax punksters here.... Now, I bet you won't find any transcript for these solos (pity).
Nick Wyver noisy Café Supporter 6,244 Minster On Sea Level Blowing for 52 years Feb 19, 2012 #5 Cheers Zannad! Great stuff.
miss-saxophone Member 181 Maldon, Essex UK Feb 27, 2012 #6 Thanks zannad, that first one is brilliant! Not usually a fan of punk but "oh what?!". Awesome. 🙂