Jazz World Saxophone quartet with Kidd Jordan

Have not posted for a while but came across this and thought it too good not to share..
Great footage, nice close-up's (for the checking of mpces/ligs) clear sound......and great music...
pt 1
pt 2
Nice to see/hear one of my faves, Edward "Kidd"Jordan in action...
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It is probably just me but most of it sounds like a jumbled mess to me! although as individual players they seem very talented, but even then it sometimes just sounded like they were going up and down scales a lot and sometimes out of tune! which is good in a way as it shows me some light at the end of the tunnel 🙂
Love it- groovy & disonant in just the right balance, some great New Orleans-ish bass-lines off Hammiet Bluiett's baritone and... exactly how bouncy is James Carter!? By the way- good to have you back, keep the wierd stuff coming! Jason C- I suggest you avoid my video on the soundclips page !
Hi Nachoman.....nice to be back....At some time I will Re-introduce myself at the doorbell to all..
Yes this performance is a bit "scrappy" that is one of the thing's that amazed me. There is undoubted talent in all the players (that james c, can blow a bit...) But compared to the WSQ that I saw last year, not with the "Kidd" or James C, this is heading a lot more into the "free-er" areas of playing than previous incarnations have done....In a good way though...and yes Hammiets bari playing is fantastic...
Loved It ... Havent looked in here for a while... I watched this while I was eating my Thai Green Chicken Curry ... Just the right blend of Spice ;-)

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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