I will post a picture of the finished mouthpiece in a few days. I cannot show more details than I did sorry. The fabrication process is simple. I start with some idea which usually solve a specific problem or a need, make a few 3D drawings, translate them in cnc instructions and once machined I finish everything by hand. After that I spend a long time trying to optimize the sound qualities of the mouthpiece. I am a quite good player (at least some crazy people say so) but I always ask the help of pros around me during this step. Fortunately in my area there are many excellent saxophone players. This last step is the more time consuming one, we spend days/weeks trying to improve any single part of the mouthpiece until it starts singing. You kow how little things make a huge difference in how a mouthpiece plays. Anyway when the mouthpiece sings I know my job is finished 😉. Concerning Revos everything started from a dream I had. I dreamed the final shape of the mouthpiece and I draw it next morning in half a day. I was so excited that day because it looked exactly as I dreamed. Unfortunately this fish like shape (it looks more like a dolphin) resulted a bit too long than usual (anyway no longer than a LS soloist) and also it was difficult to find the right ligature due to its particular shape. I still like it, I love it! but we need to make things comfortable to the players which is exactly what I am doing now. People with the "old" Revos, including myself, anyway never complained about anything. That's all. Danny