PA & Amps Wireless systems

Mister Levity

Can anyone recommend a wireless in ear monitor and mic system.
I have a limited budget so I'm not looking for pro standard equipment , also I don't do many live things so I don't want to spend a fortune on something that will not have a lot of use.
It's not pro standard, but I use the Shure PSM200 system for monitoring. Bullet proof, and alot of friends in other bands use it use it as well. Me and our main vocalist have our own receivers, with one transmitter.

Can't help with mics I'm afraid, I don't move around on the mic so it's wired. I use a wireless guitar setup though: the Line6 relay G50. I have been wondering about sticking a small mic through that for the sax...

Hope this helps,

Heres what i use in 3 heavy gigging full on pro function/corp/wedding bands.For eas of use and price they cant be beat.The LD Systems in ear cost £179.00 and the Samson Airline 77 wind system are about £300.00.
The Samson mics are great i find.Plus theres NO wire or box on you.Just that little clip on mic on the bell and your as free as a bird.Did i mention how good there mics are !!!!!!!!! the wind 77 mic sounds great on a PA.The clip on mic just needs a 1 AAA battery that lasts 8 hours.
JTS Guitar and Winds Wireless System. About £200. I've used one for a year now and find it's excellent.
Can be used for guitar or sax.

John 🙂🙂;}

+1:thumb: Amazing value for money. Mines been going for nearly 3 years now and even spent a period attached to a guitar. If it can survive that, etc.........
The Samson mics are great i find.Plus theres NO wire or box on you.Just that little clip on mic on the bell and your as free as a bird.Did i mention how good there mics are !!!!!!!!! the wind 77 mic sounds great on a PA.The clip on mic just needs a 1 AAA battery that lasts 8 hours.

The JTS is the same, no box, no wire, just one AAA battery with 8 hours life.

John 🙂🙂;}
Thanks for the info everyone, the JTS looks really interesting, I found the JTS UR-816D/GT online for £139.
Johnboy and Dooce what do you use for monitoring?
I have the JTS and find it convenient. But when I did a sound recording test of it versus two cheapish dynamic mics and a non-wireless clip-on I thought the JTS came last. Quite a lot of key noise and a harsh, brittle sound.

I have the JTS and find it convenient. But when I did a sound recording test of it versus two cheapish dynamic mics and a non-wireless clip-on I thought the JTS came last. Quite a lot of key noise and a harsh, brittle sound.


Recording with a clip on is not a very good idea full stop.Infact never.All clip on mics you get key noise at a gig but with a good desk and tweak you can cut out the frequences alot.As for me when i get a new wireless system i will be getting 1 with the new channel 38 range as when the change over does if ever come all our old systems wont work.Keep this in mind as it was planned for last year but theres been alot of hassle.But bet your life it will be soon.
As for monitors as said my LD wireless in ears are £170.00,there very good and clear.No breaking up or hurt ears.I still ending up getting a better pair of Bose earphones at £85.00 but the LD earphones are still nice.I use this for my pro funtion,cor,wedding stuff but for my jazzy,fusion and duo/solo stuff i use a fantastic wedge monitor by Alto,its 400 watts and 1 of the best things i've bought.Cost £250.00.Theres about 12 different sound settings on it.Amazing sound.
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My purpose was not about recording but to hear the sound quality of the microphones as the audience would perceive them. Although the key noise was annoying, the main thing I found out was that the JTS did not give an accurate or nice sound quality. In the end I decided I can't use that mic on gigs and I certainly wouldn't use it for recording.

My purpose was not about recording but to hear the sound quality of the microphones as the audience would perceive them. Although the key noise was annoying, the main thing I found out was that the JTS did not give an accurate or nice sound quality. In the end I decided I can't use that mic on gigs and I certainly wouldn't use it for recording.


I would say try the Samson Airline 77 wind wireless to you then Rhys.I really think Samson mics are top notch.I have a few kinds.The clip on mic gives a very true warm sax sound.My last wireless system i had for years was a Transtec and that cost over £500.00 about 20 years ago and the Samson sounds better and there only £300.00 now.I use mine ALOT every week of the year and its great.I strongly say check 1 out.
Also i have the Samson CS Series Dynamic mic which i sold my couple od Shure dynamics mics once i got the Samson CS.It comes with 2 heads,1 for more vocals and 1 for instruments.Again i love this dynamic.And it cast only £57.00.Great sound and the choice of 2 sounds.
I said 1 before 1 AAA battery lasts 8 hours in the samson clip on mic,me wrong as it lasts up to 14,yesssss 14 hours !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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My purpose was not about recording but to hear the sound quality of the microphones as the audience would perceive them. Although the key noise was annoying, the main thing I found out was that the JTS did not give an accurate or nice sound quality. In the end I decided I can't use that mic on gigs and I certainly wouldn't use it for recording.


Last gig I did, the sound engineer set me up with an SM58 before I arrived - I told him I had my own radio gear (the JTS), he looked at it, snorted derisively and said OK, we'll give it a try. 10 minutes later the SM58 was back in its box and one freshly educated sound engineer was jotting down the details of the JTS unit. However I have never tried it at a solo gig where it may show some short-comings - for work in a noisy band, it's brilliant.

For monitoring, I use a combination of whatever stage foldbacks are wired up, lip-reading and intuition. Never failed me yet........
I use the Samson Airline 77 and find it great,no wires from the mic so its totally wireless and compared to some other systems is great value for money.
All this talking of wireless must of been a bad omen for me.Lastnight my LD in ears died on me.Body pack box knackerd.Huge swollen bottom lip and no monitors,i was wayyyy sick i can tell you.
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The mackie looks exactly the same object as my behringer b205d
It's very good for practicing, for background but insufficient as a monitor (unless you play just in a jazz quartet)
The Alto powered monitor also is stand capable.Its very very light.Can handle up to 400 watts continuous volume.Ues as mointer with the huge choice of sound sttings or use as a a amp.

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