Wikifonia - is down; but is it "out"?


Daydream Believer
Does anyone know what's going on with Wikifonia? it's been down (or at least mostly down for a a couple of weeks now, and there seems to be no way of contacting them or getting information. The last official post on their Facebook page was back in April.

They get lots of "are you down again?" messages but don't reply. Some followers even suggest that if it's a financial issue they would be happy to donate (as would I). But even this offer of help seems to be falling on deaf ears.

It's a great shame as it's remarkable - and legal, from what I read - resource. I have found my playing coming on leaps and bounds just from listening to slow (and not that slow) jazz standards and then downloading and sight reading the dots. I doubt I could keep up the momentum if I had to pay $4 for sheet each time. But €25 or €30 a year or so would definitely be worth it.
There's postings from users on their FB page which imply dodgy servers and possibly worse. No official word from the site itself though
I tried it about 2 hours ago (2pm, GMT Sunday 8th Dec) and it was up but running extremely slowly.

I tried again just now (4pm GMT), and it got to the home page, but it took several minutes to try and open a new page after a seach and then decided that the page couldn't be found.
Here is the domain owners ( email address in case someone wants to contact them directly.


Many complain about not being able to access wikifonia, I have not found it to be difficult at all.

Before one complains to wikifonia one could try to find out whether their own provider is not blocking wikifonia.
It's working for me, but something seems to be up with the search engine. Searched titles for "all of me" and got nothing. Searched artits for "Marks" and there it was.
I can't access wikifornia here in the US but comments on their facebook account shows that some people in California have been successful recently. The domain name is still active until next year sometime. I also tried accessing it directly by their IP address but go the same results. I used traceroute to see where the access dies and it seems that it dies at godaddy.ocm whih is their ISP. Hopefully it'll get sorted out soon.

as I said to me is up and running right now, if it isn’t at some other location the explanation can only be that something within the browser or at the provider’s end is blocking this site.
I haven't been able to access it for several weeks but reading this thread again now I tried it and accessed it immediately.
However I see that the latest additions are 24 weeks old which is about as long as it has been troublesome, this could be relevant.
This is really weird. If I try to access directly I'm unsuccessful. If I google and select one of the links such as I'm able to access those pages and search for lead sheets from there. Looks like their home page is being blocked in my area for some reason.

This is really weird. If I try to access directly I'm unsuccessful. If I google and select one of the links such as I'm able to access those pages and search for lead sheets from there. Looks like their home page is being blocked in my area for some reason.


WikifoRnia? Is that your problem?
as I said to me is up and running right now, if it isn’t at some other location the explanation can only be that something within the browser or at the provider’s end is blocking this site.

I wouldn't agree that this is the case for me, to be honest. The site opens sometimes, with no trouble. At other times it opens but really very, very slowly. At other times it just isn't "found". If there was something blocking it at my end surely this would be a consistent issue?

The problems I have are also similar to those who post on the Wikifonia Facebook page. I get the strong feeling that it's something at the Wikfonia end that is causing the problem, for most people who can't connect.
Interesting, putting www on the front and it's straight in...

Just tried that and got straight in, it's running reasonaly quickly, too right now. (2.30pm GMT 16th Dec). Maybe it was that all along? it will be worth experimenting at diffferent times of the day.

Now, if only I could remember what it was I wanted to download 3 weeks ago! :confused2:
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