No consensus so far then. 🙂
I use all A#/Bb fingerings. Probably my only "rule" would be to use bis as much as possible in flat keys. In B and F# major, if just playing the scale, I generally use 1--/-2- when descending and side key when ascending.
I like to try and avoid situations where fingers have to go in opposite directions, like the normal B to C (one goes up, one comes down). Unfortunately, when going B, A#, G# it's difficult to do anything else (except for the bis fingering, pace Martin) so you have to make the best of a bad design. Recorder players no doubt sniff at this attitude - try playing a recorder in F# major - fingers all over the place.
The one thing I almost never do is roll onto the bis fingering from B. I don't care what Greg Fishman says, I find it very clumsy.