Where to start with a Tenor

Looks as if I'm going to be taking up a Tenor very soon... we had a gig last night and only one Tenor sax turned up, with four on Alto, not for the first time... It was muted by the MD that we could dig out, re-pad and service an old Yamaha Tenor and I could take it and swap to Tenor when needed... So having never played one where do I start with set up? this will have no mouthpiece so it'll be up to me. I'm favoring the Otto link 5 on Alto if it helps...

Thanks all..
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I prefer a larger tip opening on my Tenor Mouthpiece compared to the Alto. On the Alto I play an #8 (0.095”) but on the Tenor I like a 0.125” (9*). If you like a Link #5 (0.065”) I would suggest trying a 6* (0.095”). A Link is standard issue on a Tenor and since you play one on the Alto you might as well start there. My own personal preference is for an Ebonite on the Alto and Metal on the Tenor.

I will add that the standard Ligature on the Metal Link isn’t that great in my opinion. I have tried the following with good results:

Rico H-Ligature
BG Revelation Jazz Ligature
François Louis "The Ultimate" Ligature

Hope that helps a bit!
Thanks guys thats great, I was thinking along those lines too... Yes I saw that one on here for sale and could well be interested, I'll wait a few days until I'm certain its coming my way then I'll be looking for a suitable Link.. 6 or 7 should do, and soft reeds to start with..

Thanks guys
Before you go spending money I would strongly suggest you try some different makes.

And, honest guv, I'm not just saying that because I wouldn't touch a Link with a bargepole.
so what would you suggest Nick?

Well, I don't really like recommending mouthpieces because my tastes probably don't mirror the tastes of whoever's asking. I usually just suggest trying a bunch cos there's a huge range out there.

If anyone's interested the 5 tenor mpcs I habitually lug around with me are:
Guardala MBII (current favourite)
Law Buzzer 8*
Yanagisawa metal 9
Runyon Quantum metal spoiler 16
Lawton 9*LW

They're all good. They all suit me. They're also all pretty noisy.

On the odd occasion I play classical I have a Selmer Soloist E and, if I really rummaged around, I could probably come up with a old Brilhart and a Roc.

I'm afraid I haven't got a clue what to suggest if you actually like Links - but I'm sure there's plenty of stuff to try.
If you like your alto Otto Link, maybe that is a good place to start, as others have said try a higher number on tenor - I'd use a 7* or 8 whereas I'd go for a 5 or 6 on alto. That said, I don't get on with Links that well and my suggestions would include a Jody Jazz HR or look out for a secondhand German made Guardala - I have a New Crescent that I picked up for £150 on eBay and I really like it. I also have a Jody Jazz DV New Youk that came with a horn I bought for my daughter (she has also appropriated the mouthpiece) and that is a stonker! I think one issue with Links is the inconsistency and so you might try a craftsman made copy or a tweaked one from Morgan Fry.
Paul: How do you find the 9* blending in with the band?

Nick: Thanks for the resume, I also have an MBII, but really too much for me to handle within concert band - although I have a 19 year old beside on me a guardala, he is just awsome... the full range of dynamics... and loud - guess you can relate to that!!.
If you are playing in a concert band, try a Selmer Soloist D or E, a Meyer 6 or the Jody Jazz HR 6 or 7 - it's almost like a classical gig but you just need a bit more latitude in pitch and a bit more edge. I wouldn't play the Guardala (or indeed any metal mouthpiece) in that setting.
Paul: How do you find the 9* blending in with the band?

For me it is loud and full bodied. It isn’t an edgy or a buzzy mouthpiece. However, it does take time to control!

If you are just getting into the Tenor I seriously wouldn’t recommend a 9* Link! I had been playing a 8* (0.115”) up until recently and currently playing a borrowed 9* (0.125”) from a friend, whilst Morgan Fry makes my new mouthpiece.

A 6 or 7 would be a good starting point. Can you get to sax.co.uk to try out some pieces? If so try Morgan Fry’s Floridated Link in a 7 Stunning piece!
Thanks for that Paul, I'm only on an 8, so how does the 9* blend in? should I change?

For me it is loud and full bodied. It isn’t an edgy or a buzzy mouthpiece. However, it does take time to control!

If you are just getting into the Tenor I seriously wouldn’t recommend a 9* Link! I had been playing a 8* (0.115”) up until recently and currently playing a borrowed 9* (0.125”) from a friend, whilst Morgan Fry makes my new mouthpiece.

A 6 or 7 would be a good starting point. Can you get to sax.co.uk to try out some pieces? If so try Morgan Fry’s Floridated Link in a 7 Stunning piece!
I haven't even seen this Tenor yet and have no reference to compare from, only what I play on Alto and Its true the Jody is nicer to play than the Link but the sound is very bright and loud so I don't think a Jody is the best start, equally large tip openings. I think the Link in a 7 or 8 will do the job initially, perhaps with a #2 reed, unfortunately there isn't a shop around here where you can try a selection and of course cost. I'll end up buying second hand, reading and researching and looking for possible candidates on ebay..

Cant wait to try it though 🙂)


As the last mouthpiece I recommended to you (for Alto) was the V16 A6 S or M, you may find this a bit strange...but the "off the peg" Tenor mouthpiece I put students on is the Jody Jazz H.R 7*.
This is such a good mouthpiece. I know a small handful of pro players that are converts to this piece.
The funny thing is, I am not that impressed by the Jody H.R. Alto...and not so impressed by the V16 Tenor !?!?

Good Luck with your Tenor...You should find it a lot more forgiving than the lady we call Alto.;}

P.S. I would only buy a secondhand H.R. mouthpiece after trying it out.
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Not a lot to add - except that Morgan's floridated links are great. And the PPT is even better... But if you'Re used to a link and like the sound, then you'll not go wrong with a tenor one.
... should I change?

Sorry, I can't answer that! I would suggest trying one. If you already play an #8 (0.110") then switching to a 9* (0.125") shouldn't pose any problems (it didn't for me).

Thanks for that Paul, I'm only on an 8, so how does the 9* blend in? ...

Sound wise from the 8* there isn’t really a lot of difference but it is more versatile. Easier to control the volume and I can seem to push it harder when I want to without it getting too edgy or going really thin. (Does that make sense?).

The floridated links by Morgan aren’t stuffy like the off-the-shelf links. I know he has a #9 (0.120”) in at the moment. http://www.morganfrymouthpieces.com/content/new-floridated-link

Probably still haven’t answered your question!
Got the Tenor today, YTS23, seems OK and I'm very pleased with it. Had a couple of hours playing it tonight and I'm doing OK so looking good. It came with a Yamaha 4C, I guess that will do for a short while wile I come to terms with the sax and decide what I need. Started with a Vandoren #2, Blue box, It feels soft but maybe that's me.
I'm well pleased, 🙂
I'm pleased for you!

When I started on tenor I played on a 6 mouthpiece (Java T55), and have gone up to an 8. What Paul says is useful, about starting lower - 7/7* is quite common. I play a 6 on Soprano, 7 on Alto, 8 on Tenor. A Yami 4C is about a 3 on Tenor - 0.067".

Kind regards
I,ve got a Morgan Fry Floridated 9* link for sale if anyones interested, £150 comes with a vintage link lig, as like Paul said above, the modern ligs are not very good, theres also a vintage brass cap as well.

PM me if interested, thanks.

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