i am looking to buy a new sax neck, not too expensive and prefferably silver to match my sax, does anyone now of a website that sells them apart from sax.co.uk ofcourse.
Question for me is why? Did you break the old one, or are you looking for something different? If it's something different, define this first, then ask the suppliers. I've a pre WWI alto that needs one, cos the original isn't there. But it's going to be expensive. Generics on ebay for about 70_80 herei am looking to buy a new sax neck, not too expensive and prefferably silver to match my sax, does anyone now of a website that sells them apart from sax.co.uk ofcourse.
I recommend to get one from a shop or tech to make sure that it fit. I bought an old Martin with a broken neck and let a tech build a new like the old one. He used the old posts and octave key to keep the cost low. I left my sax at his shop. So I recommend not to buy on internet.i am looking to buy a new sax neck, not too expensive and prefferably silver to match my sax, does anyone now of a website that sells them apart from sax.co.uk ofcourse.
not sure whether i am going to buy one, but i couldn't find many when i did a google search. I wondered what was out there, as my old (1942) alto sax neck from my beaugnier special perfect is losing its silver lacquer, another question would be, is there a way i can get it re lacquered or silver plated without significantly changing the sound? is there a place which offers this?
i am looking to buy a new sax neck, not too expensive and prefferably silver to match my sax, does anyone now of a website that sells them apart from sax.co.uk ofcourse.