Saxophones where to buy saxophone necks?

There are a few - Howarth's (London), Wood, Wind & Reed (Cambridge) - any that you are looking for particularly? May be best to do a general search according to which neck you are looking for.

Kind regards

In fact Howarth still have a number in the Sale - mainly Yanagisawa Alto and Tenor......50% off
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really you have replacement necks, generic necks, custom made necks and special material necks.

So there is a lot to chose from, depending on what you need,

So if you need another type of neck or a replacement to your Yanagisawa, Yamaha, Selmer , Keilwerth neck you go to the same sources for saxophone.

On ebay, you can find inexpensive generic necks. Some brands make their own version of a generic neck (Barone, Oleg, and many others), so they are not " custom made " really and generally are made to fit either a Yamaha or a Selmer-like saxophone you (a good tech that is) can shrink or expand the tenon to fit your horn.

Then you have a real custom made neck. Bosken and Gloger are some examples of this. Gloger makes necks for several brands and types. In the beginning his necks were replacements then they became necks with their own identity and you can ask a different design to achieve, if at all possible, different results.

There are special material necks too like the Paraschos, made of wood and fitting different brands.
i am looking to buy a new sax neck, not too expensive and prefferably silver to match my sax, does anyone now of a website that sells them apart from ofcourse.
Question for me is why? Did you break the old one, or are you looking for something different? If it's something different, define this first, then ask the suppliers. I've a pre WWI alto that needs one, cos the original isn't there. But it's going to be expensive. Generics on ebay for about 70_80 here
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i am looking to buy a new sax neck, not too expensive and prefferably silver to match my sax, does anyone now of a website that sells them apart from ofcourse.
I recommend to get one from a shop or tech to make sure that it fit. I bought an old Martin with a broken neck and let a tech build a new like the old one. He used the old posts and octave key to keep the cost low. I left my sax at his shop. So I recommend not to buy on internet.
The new neck cost me 3500 s e k (c £ 350.00) so I think the sax must be a good one! It's four years ago so maybe he price is higher today.

not sure whether i am going to buy one, but i couldn't find many when i did a google search. I wondered what was out there, as my old (1942) alto sax neck from my beaugnier special perfect is losing its silver lacquer, another question would be, is there a way i can get it re lacquered or silver plated without significantly changing the sound? is there a place which offers this?

you neck is not silver lacquered but silver plated, you can get it replated by a saxophone tech who will first remove the remaining silver plate and have it replated, it should be possible to plate only the outside, plate, if not too badly flaked can be re applied , doesn't really work as real plating but if repeated you can get a very good result
I wouldn't bother with the hassle and cost of replacing a neck on a vintage sax just because it's lost some plate. It's just something which happens with old saxes. You can get them replated without much dificulty, but again I wouldn't bother, personally. I'd just play the thing.
not sure whether i am going to buy one, but i couldn't find many when i did a google search. I wondered what was out there, as my old (1942) alto sax neck from my beaugnier special perfect is losing its silver lacquer, another question would be, is there a way i can get it re lacquered or silver plated without significantly changing the sound? is there a place which offers this?


I agree with Jon.

Who was it gold plating a scooter? Not you by any chance?

However check out There are a few articles there about plating yourself. You can get a kit which applies the plate where you want it. Can probably find something similar in the UK. Be sure that the surface is properly prepared, otherwise you plate over the roughness and it looks worse. There are also some people on ebay offering silver plating kits that work more like a polish. I got good results on the brass ring on my ppt, and poorer results on the neck/thumbrest of my Kohlert, mostly cos the surface was a mess.
When buying a new/aftermarket/secondhand crook be aware that firstly the tenon will probably not fit and also the octave key linkage may not marry up either.

My suggestion - especially as you have a nice beaugnier is this, remove your octave key from the crook and remove the pad, remove your cork from the crook, use masking tape to tape over your tenon( the bit that fits into the receiver on the top of the sax and send your crook to these guys:

or post it to me and Ill get it plated for you- including the key and fit a new crook cork and octave key pad.

Just play it. If you cant stand it and you have to spend the money have the one made for the sax replated. A aftermarket neck can work fine...then again it may invite an entire host of new problems worse than the one that offends your eyes.

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