I totally disagree about improvisation: a good Voodoo sorcerer would save you time and money. I visited one, and now I can improvise on a Dmin6 chord.
Yep, I would need the voodoo sorcerer for sure.
I don't know what it would take for me to be able to say that I "play" the saxophone. I certainly can't play it very well yet in any capacity. Although I think that if I get to a point where I feel I can play fairly decent, I would say that I "play" the saxophone.
In other words, I would go entirely by how "well" I can play it, and not by how large my repertoire might be. If you can play the saxophone well (or any instrument for that matter), then you should be able to learn new pieces fairly quickly and play them well too.
So for me, the ability to sound good on the instrument is paramount, whereas repertoire is not so important. A person can actually have a very large repertoire and play really poorly. So repertoire is not so impressive in that case.
The ability to improvise is, of course, super great because this allows a person to play freely with almost any band. So that's where I've been placing all my energy. I very seldom learn actual pieces of popular music. And even when I do, I tend not to learn them verbatim, but instead I just get a feel for how they go and tend to improvise in a way that sounds a lot like the original piece but it's really just me improvising along those some lines.
So for me, improv is everything.
Disclaimer: This has been the opinion of a specific human spirit and may not apply to other human spirits or other living entities of any form.