What a difference 15 years makes.

Nick Wyver

Café Supporter
Minster On Sea
Blowing for 52 years
Or anywhere between about 15 and 20 years - I can't remember. Anyway, I found this old recording of me massacring a Coltrane tune (Spiritual - sorry JC) and wondered what I'd do with it now. The answer, of course, is pretty much the same but with a few less squeaks. I should probably listen to the original.
So for anyone who hasn't got any paint drying to watch here are the 2 recordings:

Recording details (for the geeks):
Recorded on a 4 track Yamaha cassette recorder probably with a cheap Audio Technica mic. Probably Keilwerth EX90 tenor with Runyon Quantum 16 with spoiler.
Zoom R8 recorder with another cheap mic - an Atus ATR30. Keilwerth Shadow with Guardala MBII (not original) and RJS 3M.
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Like the 2nd one best, seems to have a better overall feel to it?

Paint was dry btw>:) soon to be wet as you made a peal at the edges😳
Both where good though Nick.

Like the 2nd one best, seems to have a better overall feel to it?

Paint was dry btw>:) soon to be wet as you made a peal at the edges😳
Both where good though Nick.

Cheers. :cheers:

Nice to think I might have got a bit better in the last 15 or so years.
Wow Nick for me there was a huge difference which quite surprised me.🙂

The second has a much better tone, sounds like you are more in control, more expressive and less brash I guess. I really enjoyed it.

Really useful exercise, must record myself and then listen back in a few years.

Be interested to know how much do you think is down to equipment?

Thanks for posting

I enjoyed both, but yes, the second has extra polish.

Used to love my Tascam 4 track...but I don't think I'll go back to it nowadays!
Thanks all. It seems to be one of those tunes that inspires you to make a lot of noise. Well it does me anyway. Having lately listened to the versions of it by Coltrane (and Dolphy) it appears they didn't treat it quiite so full on. Oh well.

Edit: Just listened to version where they go bonkers on it. Obviously just how you feel at the time.
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Indeed a big difference, 1st to me has more energy and what I can describe as "natural enthusiasm" like you have discovered some idea's and just want to get them all out there.
2nd has a much more rounded tone, not as bright and much more laid back, (better intonation and control) not the same flair as the 1st but i put that down to development of idea's where in the 1st you probably were coming into your ideas and the 2nd whereby you have used time to develop them.
no2 is obviously better recording tech quality but imagine the "eagerness" of 1 mixed with the control and restrain of 2, that would be interesting to hear.
I can only speculate about the circumstances of the first recording. I may have been trying to get something out of my system.

Yeah, enthusiasm's a bit on the wane at the mo. 🙂

Thanks for listening. I'll probably post some more stuff if I give myself a kick up the arse. I'd like to record something I'm happy with.
I can only speculate about the circumstances of the first recording. I may have been trying to get something out of my system.

Yeah, enthusiasm's a bit on the wane at the mo. 🙂

Thanks for listening. I'll probably post some more stuff if I give myself a kick up the arse. I'd like to record something I'm happy with.
ya welcome, now keep the recordings coming, about time mister 😉

***plan A,
well how about getting that enthusiasm a kick start by starting your own youtube channel, this way you will probably feel more inspired the more you put out there for the public, just an idea.
***plan B,
start a thread with "tune suggestions for Nick to record" as maybe others will have a different angle on what will be good to record and it will also throw yourself in the hat for trying different tunes you might never of thought to do...

just my humble suggestions sir and i don't think any of us is ever happy with what we record, the musicians curse.

***plan A,
well how about getting that enthusiasm a kick start by starting your own youtube channel, this way you will probably feel more inspired the more you put out there for the public, just an idea.
***plan B,
start a thread with "tune suggestions for Nick to record" as maybe others will have a different angle on what will be good to record and it will also throw yourself in the hat for trying different tunes you might never of thought to do...

Plan A sounds like not a bad idea.

Plan B I'm not so sure about. I dread to think what might be suggested.

Ta. I'll think about it.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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