Microphones Vox Pickup


New Member
Greetings fellow Musos

I am a sax player and have heard a lot about the King Vox pickup. I have never tried one and am eager to do so. I understand they are no longer manufactured by Vox and have to say that Ebay hasn’t proven to fruitful either. Thus, does anyone have one that I could potentially purchase or please point me in the right direction as to where to do so.

Many thanks.
Welcome to the cafe James, if you wizz over to the Door bell section of the forum you can tell everyone a little about yourself ie what sort of sax you have, what setup etc.
I hope someone knows about Vox thingies, I don't, but there are a few guitarists (I assume that they are for guitars) on here.
Hi and welcome to the forum. The King Octavoice system by Vox is a bit old hat these days compared to the more efficient modern mic systems. I think most people have probably junked them by now and had the adaptors removed from the necks.

You may be able to find a pick up but the adaptor that is cut into the neck may prove difficult to find.

If you contact some of the "Techs" they may have something in one of their drawers. You could also perhaps post a thread in the wanted sections of the online sax forums somebody might just have what your after.

Good luck with your search.

Regards, Mike
I am also a sax player and have heard a lot about the King Vox pickup too. I have never tried one and am eager to do so. I understand they are no longer manufactured by Vox. Thus, does anyone have one that I could potentially purchase or please point me in the right direction as to where to do so too? Please email me with any leads or if you have one. Thank you
If you could hear the results from this sort of pickup you might not be so enthusiastic. I used something similar back in about 1978. It was crap.
I used to have an 'under the reed' pick up system which I picked up in a junk shop- Extremely 'hard' edgy tone- bordering on unrecognisable as a sax.... quite fun to run through guitar effects pedals though.
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Old thread but an interesting bit of memorabilia - I was just cleaning out my rehearsal room and found my old King Vox Octavoice I - Like Jules I initially used it with a pick-up glued under the reed with varying amounts of success. I didn't know they also made a pick-up for it - I do have something similar lying around in a drawer from Barcus Berry. It has a shell which has to be soldered into a hole in the neck or mouthpiece and a pick-up mic which screws into the shell. I never went that route but powered it with a clip on mike. The King Vox Octavoice has 4 settings one straight through and 3 different lower harmonics. Wasn't it Eddie Harris who used one of these on a Selmer? I forget. Anyhow, interesting piece of memorabilia. There are however much better systems available. I have an old Lexicon MPX 100 which is a far superior piece of equipment . . . . and there must be newer systems available nowadays. One of the problems with the neck-hole pick ups was that they also amplified the sound of the keys opening and closing.

Sorry for opening a cobweb thread - might be of interest to some readers. - gruss - spike.
Back in the 1980's I had a Barcus Berry transducer thingy that fit onto the reed with a heath robinson affair and some blue tac. I didn't like it on Bari and it got in the way on alto so I swapped it for something with a tenor player. I keep looking at all the cheap and small piezo pickups on ebay and wonder if I could cobble something together. It's very entertaining to put the saxophone through guitar pedals.

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