Saxophones Vikings Have Landed

Mikey B

Just to let you all know that I have received a Viking M229RTH tenor sax from my friend Rich Maraday of Viking Instruments in the USA

If anybody wishes to try out this superb sax with a view to buying one please get in touch for details. Contact me via pm or at website

Regards, Mike
Just to let you all know that I have received a Viking M229RTH tenor sax from my friend Rich Maraday of Viking Instruments in the USA

If anybody wishes to try out this superb sax with a view to buying one please get in touch for details. Contact me via pm or at website

Regards, Mike
I just sent Rich an email asking him to ensure he gets a UK reseller!!! Now gone and bought the Yam 875!!!

Good luck! Is he offering discounts for forum members?
I wish I could .What stores carry newer brands in your neck of the woods? I'm running into a brick wall with finding distributors in the UK. Once players try the horns they might consider because of the musician friendly prices.
I think the only distributor in the UK (Barnes and Mullins) is not interested in new saxophones. They are quite active in promoting Antigua and Yanagisawa.
There are few single specialized small shops, though. Other forum members can be more familiar with them.
Do not think of a market the size of what you have in the USA.

If you see Europe as a whole, Thomann in Germany is probably the biggest online retailer.
PM is on the way.
I think once these get into shops over there people will appreciate the prices and the quality. What is the point of selling a saxophone line that most players can't afford. It makes absolutely no sense. Until then Viking will work with any UK customer interested these horns. The pricing is flexible in order to compete with horns represented by dealers over there. PM me for lower pricing opportunities.

BTW makes the Custom Key guards for the Vikings and does a great job. would be the obvious choice as they`re about the best known but they do carry a lot of makes , I`d have thought there`d be room for Viking if it offers anything over the typical decent Taiwanese range from the likes of Elkhart, lower end / midrange Trevor James etc or at least over the likes of Bauhaus Walstein who they no longer stock . Something inbetween Elkhart and P-Mauriat I`d have thought would sit nicely in the better end Intermediate market or inbetween the cheapest usable chinese horns and the Taiwanese Elkharts
I contacted them. They where going to NAMM this year and asked if I would be attending. I won't because the cost of attending this trade show is much more money then I believe it is worth at this stage of the game. I would rather stock more inventory that is selling well then roll the dice on NAMM. Savings like this translates to the customer.

Please check out the players who purchased these on the website artist section. Sal Giorgianni has worked with Miles Davis Quincy Jones among others. Ken Geoffre works with Blood Sweat and Tears and Smoky Robinson among others. There are other very accomplished professionals who purchased and endorse these and are touring. These are professional grade instruments that will compete very well against Trevor James or the new Yamaha or Selmer offerings. I would never say they are a replacement for your vintage horn. These where made as work horns or gigging horns tools of the trade that will keep the miles off your treasured vintage horn. Currently we are talking with a well known recording artist known in the UK and USA right now about a signature series built to his aesthetic specs on one of the Viking platforms .
Excellent. Welcome! You emailed me prices a couple of months ago. I will try out the tenor over the next couple of months. Good luck with your sales activities here in the UK and EMEA.
As said in my previous post, I am more than happy if anybody wants to come down to Devon and try my Viking tenor. I realise it may be a bit of a trek for some folks, but I'm sure it would be well worth the time and effort to give it a go?

I think once these get into shops over there people will appreciate the prices and the quality. What is the point of selling a saxophone line that most players can't afford. It makes absolutely no sense. Until then Viking will work with any UK customer interested these horns. The pricing is flexible in order to compete with horns represented by dealers over there. PM me for lower pricing opportunities.

Well sell lots of saxophones that many can't afford - and do it very well - as do Dawkes and Howarths among others. I would say there is more competition in the less expensive horn market, so it makes very good sense. Horses for courses.

I'm guessing that import charges will apply to anything you sell in the UK, which adds around 30% to prices?

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