Beginner vibrato on soprano saxophone

Seems like I'm replying to a lot of your questions! There are at least a couple of ways to add vib; you can use your diaphragm muscle like a flute player (takes a bit of practice) or just alter your lip pressure (think woo-woo-woo) as you play. To be honest though, since I've just answered your question about embouchure I'd suggest steering clear of vib until you're happy that your sound is stable playing pure tones throughout your range. Plus it's not always appropriate, so you need to be able to start and stop at will ;-)

Seems like I'm replying to a lot of your questions! There are at least a couple of ways to add vib; you can use your diaphragm muscle like a flute player (takes a bit of practice) or just alter your lip pressure (think woo-woo-woo) as you play. To be honest though, since I've just answered your question about embouchure I'd suggest steering clear of vib until you're happy that your sound is stable playing pure tones throughout your range. Plus it's not always appropriate, so you need to be able to start and stop at will ;-)

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simon... i think you are trying to learn too much in short time... As your are still struggling with your embouchure, I suggest don't try vibrato for at least next 1 year. .. play with scales and etudes....

This is just my personal opinion...some might have different views...
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In your various postings Simon has anyone suggested you get a basics instruction book?

I'm a fan of having something written to refer to when things are getting uncertain

Pete's Taming books are just the thing as are his various articles on the Taming the Sax site
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Ivan beat me to it!

Teachers often recommend books and suggest exercises from them for between lessons and/or give printed handouts.

The thing is that between lessons you need something to refer to - its is easy to forget advice and tips from your teacher and a self instruction/tutor book will jog your memory.

In addition to Pete's books the Taming the Saxophone site has lots of information and it would be worth your while to browse through the site regularly - you will find a lot of answers to things which may otherwise puzzle you in the articles and examples there.
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