Beginner Vibrato in lower register on saxophone

Is it just me or is vibrato harder to control and keep consistent in the lower register?

I don't have too much trouble playing high notes (obviously, for a beginner 😉 ) with fairly consistent vibrato, but in the lower register? It seems to be much, much harder to be consistent and have acceptable intonation.
Hmmm. . . That's a good question. In my experience ease of vibrato should not be register related. I might suggest practicing your lowest notes as long tones with a straight tone first and then with vibrato. Descending C, B, and Bb scales in whole or half notes with a measured vibrato on each note may help as well.
I think you're right and I've made the quintessential beginner's mistake - concentrated on one register over another.

Another thing that's just dawned on me, when I'm playing in a higher register, I'm generally playing something a little more upbeat and aggressive, which is reflected in the vibrato. Whereas, when I'm playing lower, it's usually slower and more bluesy, to which I'm trying to play a much slower, more appropriate vibrato, and that (for me at least) is much harder to do than a faster vibrato.

Right, time for more practise... 🙂
In the higher register it just seems to happen when I want it to, and usually sounds okay given my level, but lower down it's mostly me trying to vary the pressure on the reed with my lip by mostly moving my jaw very, very slightly so that my lip changes tension.

I need to get on the sax because I'm also wondering if I'm trying to be far too subtle with it. I posted a soundfile about 4 weeks ago where I thought the vibrato was far too exaggerated when I was playing, but when I played the recording back it sounded about right. I think one of the mistakes I'm making is reverting back to trying to play a vibrato that isn't strong enough to really be called vibrato.
Practice is what it's all about. As jbtsax says long tones is very important in developing an even and full tone across the horn. It's kinda boring but essential. After time incorporate vibrato
I know I am like a broken record, but there is an excellent chapter on learning to play with vibrato in the Art of Saxophone Playing by Larry Teal.

Or you could learn to play with vibrato the way I did playing along with Billy Vaughn albums. 🙂
Don't laugh, it works!

and don't forget that too much Vibrato is not nice - little and carefully placed is definitely better.
That's very definitely a matter of opinion (and brave, posting it straight after Colin - the king of vibrato 🙂). I'm fairly minimalist myself but I certainly don't dislike other peoples' interpretations. Admittedly Sidney Bechet took a bit of getting used to but I'm a fan now.
That's very definitely a matter of opinion (and brave, posting it straight after Colin - the king of vibrato 🙂). I'm fairly minimalist myself but I certainly don't dislike other peoples' interpretations. Admittedly Sidney Bechet took a bit of getting used to but I'm a fan now.

I hadn't realised what controversy vibrato generated till I started posting on here.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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