I am sure I cannot be the only newbie who has come across this most serious issue and that is ...
... how does one deal with the sniggers and comments from husbands/wives/boyfriends/girlfriends, etc., (whatever is applicable) when one is attempting to practise and get to grips with the lurvely saxophone. Examples include "No, I'm not laughing, honest", "You ain't got a clue really, have you?", along with the old chestnut "Is your gob meant to be that shape?"; last but not least "So that's a note then is it?"
Which of the following would apply:-
1. Purchase a second-hand saxophone off e-bay that needs repairing and shove it under their pillow;
2. Replace their lipsyl with your cork grease;
3. Ignore their comments completely;
4. Burst into tears and consult a Solicitor with the aim of filing for divorce;
5. Shove your reeds up their nostrils when they are asleep (having superglued them in place, naturally); or
6. Your suggestion.
All comments welcome!;}