DavidUK Well-Known Member Café Supporter 8,154 Near Lutterworth, Leics. May 26, 2013 #1 Here's another puzzler..... Anyone ever seen one like this before. Note the rolled tone holes. Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2013
DavidUK Well-Known Member Café Supporter 8,154 Near Lutterworth, Leics. May 26, 2013 #3 dubrosa22 said: (Max) Keilwerth? Click to expand... A possibility. What makes you think so?
dubrosa22 Member 389 Sydney, Australia May 27, 2013 #4 The bell keyguards soldered to the low B and Bb toneholes is quite particular to Keilwerth to my knowledge... just a punt. 🙂 Compare them at saxpics.com or bassic-sax.com EDIT: http://bassic-sax.info/4images/categories.php?cat_id=1190 Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2013
The bell keyguards soldered to the low B and Bb toneholes is quite particular to Keilwerth to my knowledge... just a punt. 🙂 Compare them at saxpics.com or bassic-sax.com EDIT: http://bassic-sax.info/4images/categories.php?cat_id=1190
ProfJames Elementary member 12,164 Berkshire, UK May 27, 2013 #5 Might help - http://forum.saxontheweb.net/showthread.php?96846-Is-this-a-Keilwerth-Stencil