Reeds Vandoren reeds

hi i have 4boxs of vandoren reeds strength 4. in error off ebay dose anyone use them. if not any good to anyone on forum i will give them to pete .and he can get rid of them. and can put money into the disabled fund if he wants them they or free .

shame, i play tenor, i'm sure someone will have them once they wake up, how's the playing going? Phil :w00t:

never mined someone will its getting better slowly pete dvd not come yet so just trying diffrent stuff to help me like long notes all so try to play 3 notes
c-b-a then will try low c to f sharp i now most the keys now just keep geting stuck no the flats lol🙂
i started just over one year ago and thought that it would take forever to get my fingers around the keys. It does come if you practice enough. I am working more and more now on my tone, embouchure etc to get a really good sound, i also have Pete's DVD it is really good. Snake Davies does a good one as well all about tone and breath control, you don't have to like all that he plays but do the exercises and they can really help you. Good luck Rob, Phil
i started just over one year ago and thought that it would take forever to get my fingers around the keys. It does come if you practice enough. I am working more and more now on my tone, embouchure etc to get a really good sound, i also have Pete's DVD it is really good. Snake Davies does a good one as well all about tone and breath control, you don't have to like all that he plays but do the exercises and they can really help you. Good luck Rob, Phil

hi payed for petes dvd but not arrived yet hopfully tomorrow he sent me email to tell me it had been dispatched will look for the snake davies one later
i dont like paying for stuff i like to look on the net for it bit of a pro at it lol🙂

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