I own none of the three that you mention, happily. I would far rather have a Bari Esprit II for general all round use (seriously), and buy 5 bottles of malt whisky with the savings!
But don't just take my word for it:
Join Date
Aug 2011
Hong Kong
Thanked 43 Times in 37 Posts
Re: what mouthpiece?
"Bari Esprit II mouthpiece for the alto arrived today, from Ackerman in the UK. Very prompt service from them - ordered on Sept 1 - a Saturday - and here in Hong Kong just over a week later.
Played it a bit tonight (lip still a bit iffy after the session yesterday) and it really is excellent. Very strong tone and very even intonation all over the sax.
I just ordered the tenor version as well – same price."
Join Date
Mar 2011
Wakefield,West Yorkshire
Thanked 6 Times in 4 Posts
"Thanks Tom
Received the Bari Esprit this morning so thought i'd give it a quick blow for 10 mins, dont really know what i expected from this MP but it sure as hell surprised me with what i got.
Playing it against my- Semer s80 c**, Meyer 5m, and Rico metalite.
Reeds- Vandoren no2.5 blue box, Rico select jazz 2m , Hemke no2 and Legere studio cut no2
Ligature- Rovner dark, Rovner light and a 2 screw metal
result was firstly my 10 mins turned into 2 hours- i tried various combinations of reed and lig but found myself coming back to the Hemke, and Legere reeds and the rovner light lig. I was amazed at the flexibility of this mp it can be pushed when needed and can still be very expressive .
I would say for classical it more than holds its own against the £100.00 Selmer c**,which is my main mp
for Jazz etc its not a Meyer but I actually prefer the sound i got out of the Bari ,but that could be just me.
To summarise for classical /blues i found the Bari on par or maybe slightly better than the selmer using the Hemke reed and rovner light lig.
for jazz i would also choose the Bari usig the Legere reed and rovner light lig, i have my lesson tonight so i will also get my teachers opinion and will let you know her thoughts on it, i am certainly impressed with what is actually classed as a student MP so it looks like i will be buying one of these ASAP.
ps used on my mauriat Le Bravo.
once again cheers Tom"