Beginner Sax Upgrade Saxophone

My Son is 12 and has been really enjoying playing his Trevor James Revolution Tenor for 3 years.
He is doing his Grade 4.
I had thought of providing the incentive of a new saxophone when he got to grade 8.
When in the local saxophone shop, one of the chaps suggested that in order to facilitate him to get to grade 8, I should consider upgrading.
He tried a few and felt the Yamaha was better than the TJ but the Yanagisawa 901 was betterstill, as far as the responsivenes was concerned. He tried the Buffet and liked the dark tone, but it didnt feel as good as then Yani. He then tried a second hand Selmer 54 (gulp) and found difficulty blowing it.
His teacher didn't feel the need for change as TJ was fine.
Currently my thoughts are to keep a look out for a second hand Yani at some time in the future.

Any advice

When in the local saxophone shop, one of the chaps suggested that in order to facilitate him to get to grade 8, I should consider upgrading.

Well, he would wouldn't he? While a "better" saxophone is always a good thing, I would stick with your original plan and do it on grade 8. Unless his current horn is a real stinker, and actually holding him back but if the teach thinks it's fine then it probably is.

I agree the choice should be bios, and by grade 8 he will be able to make a better decision anyway.
I did TG G6 Jazz on my TJ Rev II and am doing G8 jazz on my old TJ Classic Horn Alto with Yam 5c mpc. I asked TG about the Alto for G8 and they said it's how you play not the quality of the instrument - don't know ABRSM stance on this but would like to think it's the same? hope that helps 😀
His teacher didn't feel the need for change as TJ was fine.

If his teacher thinks your son is not limited by the TJ, I wouldn't spend money on a different saxophone now. That being said, there is nothing wrong with a Yanagisawa A901.
As long as his JG blows well and its not a bad instrument then I wouldn't change it. I think a persons blowing technique/ability is as much as 90% of the overall end result, the mouthpiece/reed setup 8% and the instrument only about 2%

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