Two Berg Larsen Offset tenor mouthpieces

Here for sale:

+Berg Larsen Scoopbill 120/2 SMS Offset tenor mouthpiece

+Berg Larsen Duckbil 105/1 Offset (this is a real Duckbill, not a Straightbill tenor mouthpiece)

: EUR 230 (two hundred and thirty euros) shipped with international registred mail (with tracking service).

I'll be happy to donate 5% to the forum charity fund (if I sell it through this forum).

EUR 230 is GBP 186:
Your links to the photos [zip files] do not work properly - unpacking shows many faults and produces empty folders mate ...

Suggest you post the actual photos, if you want to sell the Duckbill - I may be tempted :w00t:
Hi Sunray...
I've just realized the link (for the zip file of the 115/1 M) didn't work.

I already fixed it. Check out. 😉

+Berg Larsen Duckbil 105/1 Offset (this is a real Duckbill, not a Straightbill tenor mouthpiece)
Photos: ★
Last edited by a moderator:
Just clicked your link - downloaded - still the same does not contain any files in folder - Here is an Example of the list

! C:\Users\Name of computer\Desktop\ Cannot create folder Bocchino Berg Larsen Duckbill 115:1 M Offset (per sax tenore)
The directory name is invalid.

This is repeated many many times ... for missing or incorrect file names ... 🙁
Thanks for taking time to put up the working link for us tzadik ...

I have had a good look and read many posts both here and SOTW about these pieces and my initial thoughts are:

No thanks, mainly due to the variations between "great, good, OK and not so good" ... [They seem to vary quite a lot].

Good luck with your sale though, I'm sure it will find a new master ... :thumb:

Cheers ...
Berg often lacked in consistance... both vintage and new ones.
I'm selling this for a friend who collect saxophones and mouthpieces.
He choosed this piece about 5 years ago between 5/6 others Berg "1" chamber.
This piece plays fine... if you are looking for Berg "1" chamber (= compact medium-to-bright sound...).

As usual, if you are looking for a big fat sound (or even for a Sonny Rollins vibe)... this piece is not proper.

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