TROUBLED TIMES(warning hiphop song lol)

This is a little track i done a year ago,im into all types of music from classical to rock but have always loved listening to REAL hiphop,not the chart stuff you hear today about "look how much cash/money i have" but hiphop with a message and real meaning.

Everything in this track is real stuff ive been through in the past,some of my life in music if you like,i appreciate alot of people on here may hate hiphop with a passion lol but hope theres a few with an open mind😀

Anyhow heres the track,



thanks luke
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We get that this is part of your past, and that it was important for you to make this recording at that time. You're now involved in playing music instead of talking music. I'd be interested to hear from you about your perceptions of the differences in the two and why you think this site is (or isn't) appropriate for posting hiphop. I don't think swearing is an issue. What is your motive in posting?
We get that this is part of your past, and that it was important for you to make this recording at that time. You're now involved in playing music instead of talking music. I'd be interested to hear from you about your perceptions of the differences in the two and why you think this site is (or isn't) appropriate for posting hiphop. I don't think swearing is an issue. What is your motive in posting?

Im not sure what you mean? i have no motive in posting this,i just thought i should let people on here see another part of my life seeing as im going to be sticking around,like i said i like all types of music 🙂 everything that was in that song was from over 10 years ago and ive come along way from there.

Just wanted to show people what else im into/have done,music has always ment alot to me and in one way or another ive used it to express myself,im self taught on drums,have played the recorder,trumpet,bugel,wrote a few raps and also dj.

like i said i dont quite understand your question and i truly hope i havnt offended anyone.

No need to apologize or be defensive. Just seemed strange that you posted music with two warnings (which seems strange) and I wanted to know what/why this was and your perceptions about hiphop vs other music.

As it is you answered the reason for posting which is social (to let other people know about you) rather than musical.
,i appreciate alot of people on here may hate hiphop with a passion lol but hope theres a few with an open mind😀

I've only been here a few short weeks myself.

However, I've rather gathered that this is a place where it really doesn't matter what genre of music you are into, so there is no need to defend your choices, merely include and share with everyone so that you can be supported. Not everyone will like hip-hop, and then again, there will be preference differences between other genres like trad jazz and comtemporary too (personally I could never cope with Cleo Laine though I liked the musicianship of her husband who passed away last year).

It's all music, and we all have our individual tastes, and by sharing them we might find we actually like something we didn't know we would! So it's all good.

Main thing is, you are here, and you are sharing and being supported, and YOU ARE AMONG FRIENDS WITH SHARED INTERESTS.

Just get on with being saxxy!

Enjoy and relax, and please continue to share.
I got about halfway through your soundclip, it's not that i didn't like it, more i couldn't understand your rap/rapping as the music was coming over you (if you know what i mean) i could hear more of the music than i could of you.
Plan B 'ish' to me (which i do like) 🙂
Enjoyed it thanks. Sounded very professional to me and I could imagine cutting a rug to that in a club some time. Not that I ever get out these days.
Thanks,i only put the warning for the swearing as there could be kids/children on here that it might not be suitable for,im giving everything else(my rapping and djing) a backseat as i really do want to learn to play the sax 🙂 it sounds beautiful and you can put ALOT more of you into it than you can say writing rhymes or mixing on the decks,i find the sax a truley expressive instrument and i LOVE IT!

Thanks luke

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