Trombone Sax Duets

Hey all,

Perhaps this is the wrong thread to plop this question in, but I figured it fit. Does anyone know of a book or website that offers Alto or Tenor duets with trombone? Genre, ability level and style dosen't matter. Preferably they would be free, but books are fine.... I've already raked the internet over unsuccessfully. Thanks!
It would be easy to find a book of trombone duets and have the alto sax read the bass clef as treble clef adding 3 sharps or taking away 3 flats. Bari sax would be even better since it would be in the correct octave.

Another possibility would be to find baritone (euphonium) duets that are written both for bass clef and treble clef baritone. The trombone player would read the bass clef parts and the tenor sax would read the treble clef baritone parts which are in the same key.

In college I used to play Mozart duets on my alto sax with my friend who played tuba. It made everyone passing the practice room stop to try to see what they were hearing. 🙂
Two ideas - as far as jazz is concerned - are a) the wonderful Greg Fishman Jazz Saxophone Duet books and b) the Jazz Sax duet book by Bruce Eskovitz and Ernie Watts.

You would need the bone player to do as jbtsax says - read the alto / bari parts as bass clef and add 3 flats etc. I've had a lot of fun - and even more annoyance and frustration - playing (and trying to play) alto sax bebop lines on bass trombone. The easier of the Fishman books isn't too difficult on trombone - the others can get a bit hairy.

If you want something more classical, Telemann flute duets are beautiful on 2 Bari saxes. I play these with my teacher - her studio is small and 2 Bari saxes just about fill it, but the duets are lovely.
However, one would need transposing as before.
Thanks guys! I'll follow up on those books baritonesax. The baritone duets seem the easiest option right off the bat, so I'll be searching for some. I don't think transposing some alto parts will be too hard for my bone player. We have a rocking version of Oh When the Saints, start of slow. 🙂 Great suggestions!

edit: Just checked out some Tellemann scores, looks pretty fun if I get it transposed.
I hope this thread continues, because I would like to hear a dedicated duet with bone and bari, I mean together, on purpose, by people who know what they are doing, jazz ensemble playing a classic. This will probably be a thread with only wishful-thinking. Like Jai and Kai teaming with Gerry and Harry. But how I would love to have heard them (think How High the Moon}.

You might enjoy this album - great playing by all involved...

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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