• Eligibility to post classifieds

    The Yardsale is not intended for use by people joining the forum purely to sell an item, so members must have at least 40 posts to be eligible. However new members may post if they either:

    • upgraded their account with an annual (not monthly) subscription. This is for access to sell without needing the 40 posts and the contribution after a successful sale still applies.
    • or pay the 5% contribution on the initial listing price up front (non refundable) then a listing will be allowed.

    In either case please contact us if you are not yet able to posts

support Tutorials CDs PPT mouthpieces

trevor j james alto

I'm sure we all appreciate your good intentions but this is reserved for members' deals with a percentage of the sale price going to Pete's charities.
If you wish to post items like this, the Breakfast Room is probably a better place or Harri's Sax on the Web.
I'm sure we all appreciate your good intentions but this is reserved for members' deals with a percentage of the sale price going to Pete's charities.
If you wish to post items like this, the Breakfast Room is probably a better place or Harri's Sax on the Web.

oh sorry thought i would let poeple now if somthing was a good price
as other members were doing the same
million apolagize
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