Top F# on my Yani Tenor

Top F#, I can hit it whenever I want but why is it so bloody weak and insipid. I have tried a few mouthpieces and reed setups but it is just the same. High F, not a problem but that little half a tone extra is killing me! Have I just conditioned myself to fail?


I think you will simply need more patience. I find top F# quite easy, but I have never yet had cause to use other than in scales. I found the baritone top notes quite insipid in the beginning, but gradually I have been able to develop them more to my satisfaction.No such problem with the low notes.
Maybe you are just not good enough to play a Yani Tenor, unlike the rest of us who play one.......:w00t:;}

Get a Bauhaus Walstein next time along with the other trainees ;}!

Kind regards

Do I detect a fellow BW-resistance member? The BW people are everywhere you know; listen carefully, I shall say this only once...


PS I use Nikon cameras and find that many of their lenses are now made in China! I am trying to think of something totally useless that the Chinese will spend their national income developing only to find they have 1200 billion dollars worth of crud that they can't sell, 1100 billion of it in BW saxophones!!!

Cat, pigeons, amongst, I throw the!!!!!:w00t:>:)

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