Mouthpieces The New £15 PMT* Mouthpiece.........


Well-Known Member
Hi Folks!

The latest addition to the Mouthpiece Fraternity is the Graftonite PMT Tenor mouthpiece- which is custom made, and finished by hand.

1. First acquire a Rico Royal C7 Tenor Mouthpiece.
2. Briefly sand the mouthpiece with glass paper - keying the surface.
3. Coat the mouthpiece in a matt cream emulsion.
4. While still damp sprinkle some gold glitter over it, and then allow to dry.
5. Using a gold marker pen add the letters PMT.
6. Get jiggy with it!

This, and other cheap handmade saxophone projects are available in KevvyG's new book "Sax, Lays & Ducktape", published by Garlic Press.

Hi Folks!

The latest addition to the Mouthpiece Fraternity is the Graftonite PMT Tenor mouthpiece- which is custom made, and finished by hand.

1. First acquire a Rico Royal C7 Tenor Mouthpiece.
2. Briefly sand the mouthpiece with glass paper - keying the surface.
3. Coat the mouthpiece in a matt cream emulsion.
4. While still damp sprinkle some gold glitter over it, and then allow to dry.
5. Using a gold marker pen add the letters PMT.
6. Get jiggy with it!

This, and other cheap handmade saxophone projects are available in KevvyG's new book "Sax, Lays & Ducktape", published by Garlic Press.


The nearest I've got is an A7, will it work o.k. on that? I've got loads of sandpaper.
You could follow the instructions in KevvyG's new book about the new Truly Madly Deeply Large Chamber Theo Wannabee mouthpiece - the Ambidextra.

Just sand the mouthpiece down, cover in Evostik and then wrap with Honduran Tobacco leaves. When dry you then dip several curtain rings in gold paint and place over the tobacco leaves. Produces a lovely smokey vibe............
Tom, you surpass yourself, haven't laughed so much for ages.

I think I'll do one with a B5 using a B&Q own brand chinese router. Better than a sharkbite! EP watch out!

Davey, do you think the emulsion and glitter will sound better than Evostick & Leaves?
You could also use the Evostick to laminate a few leaves and produce a synthetic/homoeopathic reed. That could be my project, 'cos I'm the expert at sanding reeds ain't I?
Has no one tried the new ******ftonite mouthpiece which grows to fit any sax from sop up to bass? That really is a money saver!
Oops sorry I invented this name by prefixing the first three letters of a well known male drug to the first three letters of GRAftonite. Hope i haven't offende anyone who can work it out!
Oops sorry I invented this name by prefixing the first three letters of a well known male drug to the first three letters of GRAftonite. Hope i haven't offende anyone who can work it out!

Well, I, for one, would never have worked it out for myself .....just thought "That's a helluvva lotta asterisks!" and moved-on.

Can someone please explain a car sticker I saw in The States, on a female-driven vehicle:

"I have PMT and a hand-gun.... Any Questions?" ????

[I understood the one I nearly bought for my late unlamented MiL (but she never had a car):
"Galileo got it Wrong....The Universe revolves around ME!"]
Hi Folks!

The latest addition to the Mouthpiece Fraternity is the Graftonite PMT Tenor mouthpiece- which is custom made, and finished by hand.

1. First acquire a Rico Royal C7 Tenor Mouthpiece.
2. Briefly sand the mouthpiece with glass paper - keying the surface.
3. Coat the mouthpiece in a matt cream emulsion.
4. While still damp sprinkle some gold glitter over it, and then allow to dry.
5. Using a gold marker pen add the letters PMT.
6. Get jiggy with it!

This, and other cheap handmade saxophone projects are available in KevvyG's new book "Sax, Lays & Ducktape", published by Garlic Press.


This is not based on actual event, is it?

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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