the dog did it

The dog chewed up my selmer 80 e MP
Mostly she just chewed on the beak a little
She has taken a corner out of it and done a bit of damage to the rails
Can I repair it with some epoxy filler or some thing like that???????
Ouch ..
My Dad had a wedding photography business for some years after he retired from the military.
In the days before digital he would have rolls of film stored in those black plastic cylinders.

So .. one day after shooting a wedding and reception he left the undeveloped film on the kitchen counter - where their Irish Setter found, chewed and ate the canisters.

He had to reshoot the whole thing .. weeks after the fact and pay for tux rentals etc ...
Ouch ..
My Dad had a wedding photography business for some years after he retired from the military.
In the days before digital he would have rolls of film stored in those black plastic cylinders.

So .. one day after shooting a wedding and reception he left the undeveloped film on the kitchen counter - where their Irish Setter found, chewed and ate the canisters.

He had to reshoot the whole thing .. weeks after the fact and pay for tux rentals etc ...

you could try dental epoxy (as its going in your mouth)

what about using sugru?
I`d be more inclined to write it off to experience and stump up the £80 for a new one, I`d hate to think how a dog chewed one would blow or even seat the reed .
Oh that's a bad dog! Lol - my terrier loves nothing more than a nice box of reeds to chew on but never a mouthpiece. I agree get a new one 🙂
I was trying to teach her how to play "Who let the Dogs Out"

It was all a ploy to justify me buying a new jody jazz

not really!!!!!!

But yes I had to buy a new one ..........yes a jody jazz

But I still intend on having a go at repairing the selmer
I 'll let you all know how it goes.
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