Saxophones The Cheap Backup Tenor


Well-Known Member
I thought I`d start a new thread as constructive input from your good selves is always gratefully received . It`s the backup Tenor mentioned in my YAS-62 thread . there are a few options I`ve been mulling over and really thinking out loud here more than anything, I don`t do the GAS thing with Saxes so my experience is limited regarding the Chinese stuff below. if there are any better options, great as a cheap secondary Horn is the order of the day . it`s a Price to performance ratio I`m after so for as little as poss.. Thanks

1:- BW TS-Y in totally mint Condition Just serviced & Checked over - Seller is a known woodwind dealer so with warranty and backup £350 to the Door

2:- Jericho J6-II Brand new at £336 inc Cafe Sax Discount, they also said they`d get Steve-H to look it over

3:- Jericho J6-II Demo at £300 which Steve has setup and done anything needed .

4:- A lovely Bronze BW at £400 to the door from someone I know at the other end of the country which is a bit more than my target budget but ......

5:- Err, someone 20 miles down the road has a barely played Mirage TS200 for £95 , I`d draw the line at SSOs though .
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Just ex demo so will be a good one and Steve will have checked it...ideal. Long as it has no marks. They have a good reputation, SH is recommending them, they seem like good people, never heard anyone complain about

I have not played one but then again that means nothing! I favour the Fremont Excalibur Taiwanese tenor I got via John Bilham in Norwich. He has retired now but you can still pick them up pretty cheap. Good intermediate sax and also used by a couple of pals of mine who play professionally.
I'd take either of the BWs. Better long term chance of quality/support. And although it's a backup, they're good enough to play professionally as a first line horn.

We've seen good comments about the Jericho kit, but it's in relation to price, and there are some pics posted in one thread that make me think that it won't be a good option longer term. Last thing you want is problems with your backup just when you're relying on it. Also we've seen little to nothing about their tenors. Just altos and clarinets.

Might even go and look at the Mirage, but my expectation would be it needs work and that's why it's hardly been played. But at the price, if it's a decent horn and doesn't need much work, it's a bargain.
The Mirage I`d guess was an impulse buy, they`re sold by Dawsons (Northwest Music store chain) which no doubt the owner thought was a good idea at the time . I`d not read anything about the Tenor Jerichos hence part of the reason for my post ..

I forgot about Benson too, but absolutely nothing has been reviewed that I`ve seen and little mention on the net apart from your mention of the Sop Prof . Hayes have the Tenors on E-Bay £425 but compared to a BW ? ..
BW is a Taiwanese sax the same as a Roy Benson, agreed. I can only speak of my experience and due diligence. I came across Roy Benson from a pal in Germany. They are assembled in Germany (final assembly I believe) and tested before being shipped.

They are robust and and a consistent sax. Not as well known as BW but then again they are priced accordingly! Try one out! There is no substitute for getting down to your local retailer and spending some time. Also the best place to purchase!
unfortunately the only retailer within 25 miles is Dawsons (not a place to buy saxes), next closest is Curly woodwind which is a 120 mile round trip, don`t sell used and only BW new of the cheapos worth having (and I`m not spending £600 on a backup) .
Thanks Prof And Kev , I`ll see if there are any more opinions or experiences posted . I was going to add used YTS-25s on the list but I think if I have to go to £400 which seems to be the rational price for one, a BW Bronze (preferably the improved action version) would be the better bet on reviews alone despite SH loving his extraordinary sample of the 23.
Thanks all, it`s looking like a win for the BW . the best offer of one I have so far is the serviced and checked TS-Y at the dealer for £350 all in .. I`ll cast around to see if there are any better deals on one or a Bronze

Heck they may even take my Xaphoon in part-Ex - LOL
No way - it`s the Premier GOLD logo (way better than Pruple)


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