The best place to sell your saxophone

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All transactions must be made between the two parties. Cafesaxophone can not be held responsible for any problems with the transactions.

Payments for listing your ad:​

Note that we now ask for a specific minimum, so it's more like a listing fee that you only pay if your sale is successful, we no longer class the payments as donations (of course you are welcome to donate more than the 5%)

Yardsale (Classifieds) Rules

All the money that is paid or donated is still going to the same fund, for info and donations see

Donations (ie listing fees) for successful sales should be made using the Yardsale buttons at the bottom of the page.

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This might seem crazy, but here goes.

I often see items on the Yard that I may be interested in buying but am not sure of the procedure.
What are the actual mechanics of buying?
Not purchased via the yard myself but I imagine if you are interested in an item then send the seller a private message and arrange the deal between you off the boards.

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Let's take it step by step
1. Click on yardsale payments
2. Enter the amount in name your price.
3. Click add to cart
4. Click on your cart at the top of the page
5.Click proceed to checkout
6. You can then either complete the form or click returning customer and log in
7. If you click returning customer it takes you back one step but then when you proceed again all your details are completed for you 🙂 all you need do then is type in the box top right "additional info" to tell us what you are donating for.
8. At the bottom of the page choose your payment method
9. Tick agree to terms
10. Continue to payment or proceed to PayPal

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Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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