Beginner Tenuto notes

Hi - they should be played with a slight stress (no noticeable attack) and should be held for the full duration of the note. 🙂

Whoops - cross post with Colin
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Im getting a little confused
My music book says
Tenuto notes should be played smoothly and connected, holding each note until the next one is played .
How is that different from playing notes that are just normal. ?
the tenuto mark may alter either the dynamic or the duration of a note. Either way, the marking indicates that a note should receive emphasis

Seems to me you are left with lots of room for artistic interpretation. Louder and rubato. Loud and run them together.Some sort of emphasis. If it's a classical piece, I wouldn't growl.
Im getting a little confused
My music book says
Tenuto notes should be played smoothly and connected, holding each note until the next one is played .
How is that different from playing notes that are just normal. ?
IMHO it's not!
I think sometimes it is used in pieces where there are also Staccato notes marked, or accented notes.
The point being that the notes should held for the full duration (vs staccato where you are on and off in the blink of an eye)
dah vs dat
I think I agree with MandyH here. Tenuto is telling you to make sure you give the note full value. It may be a 'cautionary' direction (like cautionary accidentals) reminding you that the articulation has changed. If you're not changing form marcato or staccato, it is likely to indicate holding it on a bot longer with some rubato as suggested (but not enough to warrant a fermata (pause)). See wiki for more info
Below is a sketch of how I teach the relative note articulations to my students. Articulation has to do with both the manner in which the note is started by the tongue and the note's duration. Notice how the "regular" notes (for want of a better word) are slightly detached compared with the legato notes. Tenuto on the other hand is generally an emphasis of a note or notes in a phrase by "stretching" them and slowing the beat slightly. As such "tenuto" is less like an articulation and more like an expression marking in the music like fermata, ritardando, or rubato.

So, du dat a bot longer, avoiding dat where possible, dats all...........................................:shocked::w00t:;}

Instead of "bap bap bap bap, bap bap bap, bap" its "barp barp barp barp, barp barp barp, bap"
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